Need a new city to explore :D

I’ve seen a lot of places in boundless. :slight_smile:
Does anyone have a city or know of a city that needs to be seen?
I’m running out of options :stuck_out_tongue:


EZPZ on Maryx is really nice. I could show you around sometime if you want. Or take TNT Maryx or EZPZ mall portal at TNT.

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Have you seen Lacuna on Storis II?

Tnt portal.

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Have you been to Stars Hollow on tana :grinning:.

Ive been :smiley:

I have been there too :smiley:

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Lance… :expressionless: I live there

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lols ^^

how about this one by @Malentir?

or have you poked your head through the portal from TNT megahub to Antar VI?

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I went there last night :smiley:

DONT BE MODEST PPL… :smiley: I really like seeing ppls builds… its one of my fave pastimes in-game.

It’s not a city, just a small build, but you can check out my tree.

It has a brief narrative and an optional jumping puzzle (low walk speed skill sheet recommended).


Come see Brandywine! Not a city by any means but lots to see :slight_smile: We have a portal TNT second floor.

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have you seen glitchworld? it changes often. especially red district which is very popular these days.

I use to live around that area… i saw the start of it :smiley: and i went back again cpl weeks ago

I have been playing since release so I have seen a lot. :smiley:

I will come check it out :smiley:

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VERY COOL… it’s like something you want to see in a dream

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Very pretty :slight_smile:


Thanks I’m glad you liked it! Still a lot to be done but it’s starting to take shape :slight_smile:


Couldn’t find it