[NOTICE] Exploits and Abuse

Again, to go back to the chrysominter-spark thing, it’s a case-by-case situation.

Imagine a player who doesn’t frequent the forums, who tried selling some spark to the chrysominter and was like “oh damn, that’s some mad coinage, yeeeeeah!”.
How could this be an exploit? How is the player supposed to know that’s not normal?
I mean, sure, he should be like “uh, that’s a little too much coin”, but would you really blame the player for not knowing what wasn’t intended by the devs? For all he knows, it was intended, it was the new order of things. Coins for everyone, yay!

Now, a player who frequents the forums and learned here that he could do it and immediately bolted to make a million coins, I’d agree that this would be an exploit.


Based on the way the minter works the price is the price… if you mint the scrap outta something that has a good price or even a high price set by the devs and they don’t like it that’s on the devs. If however you find that placing blocks in between all the coils and having a friend with perms break the minter while you use makes the minter generate EXTRA coin that would be an exploit


I posted about it (first, I believe) then bolted to make a million coins, lol. Is that better?


Or when having a nice full queue in the forge which would take many hours before it would be done and then knowingly break the machine blocks so all the forged items would drop ALREADY forged without needing to wait. That is exploiting a bug.

The chrysominter thing, well, it was not a bug or a weird way of doing things to get a benefit of some kind, there was a set value and we used that value to sell things to the minter. We still, like someone else already said, don’t know if it was an oversight or that it was later on to be perceived as the wrong value, it could’ve been intentional without thinking things thru enuff, or could’ve been Testing values (which always are quite different then the Live values) that were forgotten to be corrected before release.

This is not an exploit. Seeing a Cheat Loaf instead of getting a Teaching Loaf, well that would be a serious bug and everyone would know so, so if you then use it willingly then you exploited that bug.

It’s nice to warn us about exploits being used to be a permanent bannable offence but if one can’t tell it is an exploit then this should not be punished in the same way as things that are clear as day to be an exploit…


Nope that’s not using an exploit, that’s botting, which is also against the rules!

That is indeed abusing an exploit. You full well know it only happens in THAT location and that it’s not supposed to happen.

With a wrong minter value that is absolutely not clear cut…


Indeed, it kinda is. If you use something that is obviously a bug and everyone would know that it is a bug since it only acts in that way when you do certain things, like breaking a machine to get forged gear right away, setting up shop at location 0, 0, 0 for footfall, etc., etc. Also using several steps in a way that no sane person could’ve thought of before hand (and which usually are found at random) is a clear cut exploit.

Using a minter value to sell things to the minter clearly is not.

Also, your post is not the nicest in any way, I won’t but do not be surprised when someone flags it!

As a matter of fact, someone even asked what a proper sell price would be for it and they were thinking about 40c, so that the minter would give 28c is then indeed not much out of whack…

Ha! Yeah, that is another thing. The devs do allow mods but some of them really do give an unfair advantage.


point remains most people know when they are doing something wrong, people can act all innocent if they want but the fact of the matter remains that maybe the first time they didnt know something was wrong, but the 2nd? 4th? 10th…100th?? time doubtful.

And most software worth anything has good logging so the logs should just do the talking tbh.

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-uses machine as intended-

cackles maniacally




I wish they WOULD get caught by the Devs and have real repercussions if they
are botting, scripting, etc

I think a large part of the definition, and this situation, is when you KNOW that a mechanic is not working correctly, or that a glitch or bug occured, and you take advantage of it for personal gain in any way. I think all they are asking is for integrity from the community in communication of these things.

Just MY interpretation of the situation.

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Did anyone ever actually get in trouble for the 0,0,0 exploit? I heard every planet was plotted at that point so at most 50 accounts should have been banned. If not it completely negates this post and shows that it only matters when the devs feel like it.

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This should be pretty clear, it’s an obvious use of the system. While perhaps not ‘intended’ at the outset the system has been balanced to consider it as a regular part of gameplay.

Agreed. I wonder if crafting rocks into stones is still an exploit :smirk:

I don’t know why you personally are so adamant about this. Sour grapes I assume or what makes it different from the gleam?

  • The minter offered a price.
  • The minter paid the offered price.
  • People minted stuff.
  • Community was unhappy with a price perceived as imbalanced.
  • Devs changed the price.

Nobody was manipulating systems or bypassing game mechanics and nothing was other than “As Advertised”. This may have been a developer oversight, it may have been a balancing misjudgement, or it may have been a deliberate move to clear a good amount of stored fuel/spark out of the game.

This is a much more reasonable statement IMO.

You keep posting a video of some team activities as an example of “exploiting” when what you keep complaining about is “botting” and the video you post is an example of “teamwork”.

Perhaps you could post this video instead, it has the same effect on the server:

In any case multi-boxing is an accepted activity since at least the release of the game and spamming regen bombs is normal gameplay at this time. As this thread is likely to go to hundreds of posts another thread to clarify acceptable use of multiple accounts might be a good idea.

The devs have given a definition of botting and that’s a topic for a separate thread it’s a different activity from exploiting, which is generally considered to be manipulation of bugs or unforseen combinations of activities leading to unexpected and/or undocumented results.

Neither selling items to the minter for the displayed price nor manually spamming regen bombs seems to fall into this area at all.

Using reclaim to drag loot home seems to be a gray area and the devs have graciously given us clarity on this one.


The person who was documenting it was the owner on Biitula… after it was fixed we built a monument there since 0 & 0 is the center of ?? :wink: It does not generate footfall, but each day 25 rough oortstone appear magicly at my feet when I go there to pay homage to the monument (true story! :wink: )

This was determined to be an honest mistake and not an exploit. Just because you think it is does not make it so.


It’s one thing to report and get things fixed and I believe that should be rewarded but what about the other 49 planets?

No idea…but the 25 free rough oortstone I am keeping those :wink: Not an exploit, but a daily gift from the God of @james perhaps? lol

Yes, your question is a valid one…but even more HOW long was that 0,0,0 thing a thing? Over a year someone said…wow

Exploits are gamebreaking or not as intended to gain unfair profit from.
Although i highly agree that when things are set and pay off the way the system tells you it does - it should not be considered an exploit but rather unbalanced game settings.

Exploits are when things dont do what they intend to do.

For example - its no exploit to own two accounts… Farm with one and fight with the other. You have to manually operated them both - which can be limiting as well. Also it helps pay for the developement and the server of the game. I mean - you could have someone follow you - he would have just less fun.
There may be a day where there are actual carries… like a horse with storage - like in minecraft. Or a pet taming system wich gives u additional inventory through leveling your pet.
Who knows.

But playing two characters like two characters would play with each other… the limitation on characters are there for a reason. But if u are willing to pay to keep this game runnning - i see no issue.

Therefore. If you know a mechanic is not working correctly. Dont use that said mechanic. Come here and report it. Dont overuse that mechanic - only use it as much as u actually need to - to play the game.

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because is quite personal for me :grin:
2 players were bugging me to make twice as much coin in one day as I ever did with alutech

i dont like the fakt that using a temporary event (i think 5h) make a year of nearly daily work obsolet


You can reclaim more than one beacon at a time. But once you start to empty the storage at another beacon, you can’t empty the other reclaims until you finish emptying the others.
If you have beacons on multiple planets and don’t want to maintain them anymore, you can jump around and reclaim them all. Then head back to home base and empty them one at a time.
This works as intended. A lot of people wanted to move or reclaim their beacons, but didn’t want to go through the process of removing it block by block. This made it that much easier and freed up space that people wanted to.