Lately, I see many people who do not know where they sometimes find other players.
Therefore, I want to see with this survey on which server who plays all active
Please vote only for the servers on which you really been active, or where you are often online.
Not the server on which you just was online once time.
##Australia Server
- Tawas
- Veedle
- Vekil
0 voters
##EU Central
- Civini
- Cshrime
- Folva
- Gasan
- Gihhs
- Nbor
- Palckn
- Selta
- Yafaday
0 voters
##EU West
- Eisa
- Gortnen
- Hawig
- Iielo
- Lepker
- Meezan
- Nasag
- Qebeql
- Ruccie
- Wardin
- Wenton
- Zltor
0 voters
##US Server East
- Agabab
- Furthor
- Keuehok
- Kohe
- Kovah
- Lapas
- Lotad
- Melfig
- Storial
- Vaisier
- Xewell
- Yobel
- Yugen
0 voters
##US Server West
- Callaw
- Lemde
- Lleb
- Merfi
- Omoson
- Oppoh
- Ruchs
- Saptu
- Sedatars
- Shodi
- Ulaip
- Vadvy
0 voters
sry that i must open 4 polls but a poll can only have 20 options. EU & US has boths over 20 Server ^^