Paste the Emojis you would to see added HERE.
Saved in case i add a couple
All of the ones Luca posted…
I thought you said new ones i want all of those too
Beyond the ones he posted?
We don’t have the Boundless logo, ore, oort alphabet…
More fish
Stuff for kitchen - oven, shelves with dishes on them, kitchen sink, carpets
Several different mirrors
Non transparent borderless stone signs
Is there a list of codes for all the possible emojis?
I’m both excited and hesitant… I’m super excited to write on glass panes… that will be really cool for signage… but some of the emojis make me think of horrible gleam tower builds… hopefully, we’ll see it used tastefully most of the time.
I’ve also learned that most things that change in the game end up working out just fine… so I roll with the punches and I’m sure I’ll use an emoji here and there.
Below the image is a list on github and someone else posted another list below Luca’s.
There are two types of glass sign modules…regular and glowing. Glowing makes text and emojis look bright. On regular glass, they have texture and look as they do on stone
Regular glass sign module w shark on the left, glowing glass module right
When you open the Rough Google Sheets Code List make sure you select the Boundless tab at the top to just show the Boundless list. The actual emoji in that file are from generic internet emoji lists and not all match up with the Boundless codes but the list and the text description is directly from the JSON
Or you can just look at the text list ripped from the JSON here
Baby shark do do do do do do
Baby shark do do do do do do
Baby shark do do do do do do
Baby shark
Major shark do do do do do do
Major shark do do do do do do
Major shark do do do do do do
Major shark
It’s stuck in my head now. I hope to ear worm at least one other person.
Some oortian technology:
A couple different display panels with oortian text on them
A couple of topographic maps with oortian text on them
A few keyboard and mouse designs with oortian text on them
Some buttons, toggles and switches with oortian text on them
emojis representing Bounldess items / tools / activities. maybe just plain 1-color symbols (portal, gem, hammer, pie, city, shop, forge, coin, couttletrunk, arrows… and we could color them like text to make them more specific.
If I were to just add a bunch of vector emojis to the list that we got now, I’d add more information signs / symbols / safety signs… and add more color variety to the arrows for example. they are among the most useful emojis, but it would be nice if we had a set of, say, green and red arrows as well
I personally could use more stuff like metal grates, gears, warning signs, control panels… (whether they are emojis, blocks or meshes)
while we can do a lot with just the emojis above, I’d prefer stuff like plates, fish, clock… to be not signs but actual things ( a big deco object / furniture pack consistent with boundless aesthetic available for everyone) and keep the sign emojis as a neat little GC perk.
Real talk time haha
Emojis corresponding to block groups. Example concrete, marble, wood, and rock. Maybe just turn all of the icons in game into emoji.
@Sho can you please paste a few of the custom ones from the server in here? Like the RR feather, gems, and whatever else. Thanks!!!
@Sterbehilfe I tried to import/export them over and they don’t work here. Sorry
You could take a picture just to show them
Ya know thinking about it, replacing the regular smileys with Boundless ones is rather easy!
They need one nice vector like image of one of our citizen’s faces and they can use that one image for all the different emotions !
I missed the joke apparently. Let the flogging commence
You didn’t read past the first sentence huh?
It was followed by :
And there was a rofl smiley to tip you off it was a joke.
And in case anyone still doesn’t get it, it refers to our characters always looking grumpy no matter what.
This forum really is turning into a powder keg and is becoming more unpleasant by the day