Pay Cubits for Coins or

We can already buy cubits with coins. :stuck_out_tongue: Thatā€™s my primary coin sink at my shop.

ā€¦Indirectly. You still have to work for itā€¦ having the workstation set up for it, boosted by having the exp foodā€¦ it at least takes SOME effort and start-up cost.

Well, yes, I donā€™t think that buying cubits directly with coins would reduce the effort and start-up cost all that much, since youā€™d need to first set up a method of reliable coin generation (such as a shop) and then effort to keep that method going (such as keeping the shop stocked) :stuck_out_tongue:

So the only difference really would be having to click a lot less, which Iā€™m not sure would be worth all the cries of ā€œpay to winā€ on the forums (because people say that about everything, making sense or not) that the devs would have to endure if they were to implement a direct way.

Edit: And since, apart from the pies, the only setup cost for this are crafting tables (further processing with refineries and such is a bonus but less efficient on the cubits-per-hour ratio) itā€™s not like itā€™s super difficult or expensive to start doing it.

If coins could be purchased with cubits, that would demotivate a lot of people who care about and play the economy side of the game. Thatā€™s a huge part of this game.

If all of this was available in the game it would actually not be that bad. Hopefully it gets changed to be account wide.

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100 request baskets buying pretty much every base material. Fair prices, usually 2/3rds of the sell price, unless its something everyone sells and no one buys. Iā€™ll still buy em in small amounts anyway to help people out and keep people coming back to the shop, but of course cant just hand out coin for nothing constantly.

Request baskets filled at least once a day.


So if you allow cubits or plots to be used all account wide across alts, what happens when a player deletes an alt? Do the plots and cubits earned go away, even if they had been used by another character on the account? So you could go negative in your cubit balance and have to level up enough to go positive and the last plots laid down will go away immediately? Otherwise players will just farm alts for the easy first level cubits and plots and then delete them. Probably why the developers are not allowing this.


Yep, Iā€™m sure everyone that thought about this immediately reached this conclusion, the devs included. Thatā€™s probably why the system works as it does.

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Add renaming of characters and donā€™t allow deleting themā€¦ Easy fixā€¦

One has nothing to do with the other tho!

I had shops before the 211 update and I have shops now. I still sell stuff, I do have coin, donā€™t you?

Doesnā€™t change the fact that footfall is still lower for me than it used to be which mean it is for others as well so I could have had even more coin when people wouldā€™ve been able to buy more :slight_smile:

Hmm, okay yeah you have a point there, didnā€™t think of that possibility tho it would be less bad then straight up buying coins with cubits because you need to find a buyer for those cubits first.

Anyway, only thing Iā€™m really after is that anything I buy with cubits is account wide. If the devs then have to add a restriction on deleting alts so be it. I would not mind that at all, if, and only if, they add renaming of your charactersā€¦

Since, letā€™s face it, I find it utterly ridiculous that one char can have an enormous amount of plots/cubits but another char where you need them on doesnā€™t and you have to spend real life money to add more to them. Doesnā€™t make a lick of sense to meā€¦

And why would you want to delete a character anyway? I myself donā€™t see much use for that right now other then having 1 alt with a bad name :slight_smile:

If you want to experience the game anew, just create a new Boundless/PSN accountā€¦

But I have shops, I sell stuff anyway, so I have coin, I also get XP thru that BTW, but having to fill crafting tables for 30 min and then going away blala, is not the idea of fun for me so I rather just buy them with coin, ya now, essentially doing what coin is meant for in this game, if you donā€™t wanna do it yourself, you let others do it! :slight_smile:

Hmm, perhaps it should be possible to gain XP if others convert my rocks to stones :joy:

You could hire a servant to fill your machines and whatnot with materials and that would help alleviate you of all those coins that are weighing you down, while removing a lot of the work involved. :slight_smile:

Newer players make excellent slave labor.

Edit: I mean, ā€œfriendsā€.

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Back to the topic. I would definitely pay Cubits for coins. I very much hope that this possibility will be incorporated soon. Because then Boundless would be fun again.

Thereā€™s already a way to go in reverse and turn coins into cubits. Iā€™ll spare all the math of the rock+pie XP process, but it boils down to 44.5 rocks per cubit. So whatever coins you would pay for 44.5 rocks, thatā€™s the coin->cubit rate currently in the game. Letā€™s just say itā€™s 45c per cubit. That means plots cost 1,350c for anyone buying rock at 1c/ea.

If there was a way to turn those cubits back into coins, the exchange rate would have to be lower than 1 cubit per 45 coins. Otherwise you would earn enough cubits from leveling up to buy the rocks and do it all over again. Infinite level 50 characters!

XP in Boundless is tradeable and underpriced (IMO). Itā€™s like one of two doomsday keys are already turned. If there were a way to get coins for cubits without changing how the game already behaves today, the other key could end up turned. Thereā€™s only two outcomes:

  1. The ratio would be really unappetizing. Talking $9.99+ for 1 AoE T6 hammer at todayā€™s rates.
  2. The real money value of a cubit would drop to $0.00. The devs need to eat!

edit: I donā€™t want to discount why this suggestion was made in the first place. Clearly players wish they had more coins and canā€™t get them. I just want to highlight the danger of making those coins available thru this manner. We need something else. Or if we really want this, we have to remove the rock+pie XP method.


Noooo! I love my rock pies! :scream:

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Iā€™m pretty sure both keys have to be turned at the same time.

This post is not to be taken seriously.

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Yes, letā€™s get back to your original question!


Because it would ruin Boundless!

Why? Because why would I do things in the game to acquire coins when itā€™s much easier to spend some real life money?

Did you really think it through? What would happen?

Why is Boundless not fun for you while it is for all the people who are playing it still?

What is it that you want to accomplish in the game that you feel you canā€™t?

How long have you been playing? What level are you? How many alts do you have? And how many skillsets? How many skillpoints are unusable on your main account? And on alts?

Because Iā€™m really wondering why you think that buying the things you want to have has to be made so easy that anyone with a creditcard can do it, something is stopping you from what others have done before youā€¦

Yes, and I use that quite often but Iā€™d rather spend my time on something else.

Besides, I mine myself, a lot, I donā€™t need to buy rocks, so no, this will not convert my coins into cubitsā€¦

We donā€™t want this and we also do not want the rock+pie XP method removed.


Absolutely ā€œNoā€ for buying coins with cubits from me.

Think about this in terms of new players and the perception those players will have of the game. We already have bad reviews from people that see a cash shop and walk away ā€¦ all I see buying coin for cubits doing, is adding unwanted credence to those bad reviews, whether itā€™s actually p2w or not. We certainly donā€™t want or need any more fuel for the p2w fire.


Yes, by all means, letā€™s get back to the topic of wish fulfillment fantasies.

So, if the devs would kindly arrange for Brie Larson to deliver me a pizza, that would be fantastic. Iā€™d prefer pineapple and ham, but Iā€™m not that picky. :stuck_out_tongue:

And as a side note, did anyone manage to get a trade with the OP since the original difficulty was finding people to buy things? I tried and got not response.

It definitely would not ruin the game. On the contrary, it would improve it and also bring the Devs more money to be able to improve it even further or to be able to operate stronger servers.

I donā€™t even think this kind of topic need to discussion.
Devs wonā€™t take this idea for sure.
Its way too ridiculous.

Boundless has itā€™s target market.
Clearly this type of game play, majority of players wonā€™t accept it even i can feel you want it very much.
But, its impossible they give up rest of 99% players because of you.

Its same thing if I suggest to pay money for infinity blocks and gems to build.
Or flying ability or ability to make me never died.

Its the idea will break the balance of game play and other peopleā€™s gaming experience.