Planning for 2017 - Contribute your ideas!

1. Which current feature in Boundless do you think needs a MAJOR overhaul?

Fighting / Combat. At the moment, as others already pointed out, it’s a boring system of “dodge and shoot”. It doesn’t feel like there is any learning curve. I also do not find the slightest sign for “team tactict” in the current system.

2. Which current feature in Boundless do you think needs a MINOR update?

Swimming. As I already pointed out in another topic:

Please go back to your “first” system where one swims continuously in water.

3. Assume that we can only add one more MAJOR feature to Boundless before hitting 1.0. What MAJOR new feature do you believe is essential before 1.0?

First of all I really hope that a proper skill tree, titans, temples are something that will come anyway and that they are not part of this question.

I would like to see a complex automation system for building and mining. I’d like to build machines that mine, collect, or builds things for me. There has also already been a topic about this. To sum this up I would like 3 kinds of machines.

1: A machine that is able to mine and/or collect blocks along a defined way. This would be very handy if I like to build a big tunnel or if I need to clear a huge area.
2: A machine that is able to “build” things. This could be eigther, as the first machine, be along a defined way (e.g. for building roads, or geometrical structures) or it could be a “blueprint” which builds “saved” buildings.
3: A machine that is able to transport materials over a “long” distance (e.g. a belt or a crane).

At the moment I don’t really care if they need fuel or something else (e.g. like the power core) but it would be “necessary” in my opinion that they don’t break like tools. They should get “used” and be repairable like other machines (e.g. workbench).

4. Which new MINOR feature should we add to the next update of Boundless?

Don’t know if this is a “minor” feature but farming would be cool. The smallest variation of “farming” could be “attracting” livestock that I like to “hunt”. E.g: I build a lure to attract “ground basher” which will increase the probability that a ground basher spawns or walks to the lure.

I don’t really need to “tame” them. It is sufficient if I’m able to imprison and breed them.