Post Your Screenshots!

here we have a wild Barney being himself and just refusing to go through a portal like the rest of us. he just wants to stand on top of them and defy physics.


@Heureka that’s Arch-Acropolis | test 164 - 166 | WIP

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Yes i saw it :slight_smile:

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Sorry, this is a long one, but this is everything I worked on today. I had previously posted about this location quite a while back, but I hadn’t been on the game practically at all since then.

Can you make html/bb tables or something on posts? Would help to make the post take less vertical space.

I wanted to build an underground city where friends of mine could have their homes if they wanted to play the game, but I also thought it would be nice if there was some natural light, at least in a few spots. The natural caves in Therka are quite dark, in my opinion.

Edit: And the top of the borehole has some a red igneous rock trim and blue lanterns so it can’t really be walked into by accident. That’s quite a fall, about 900-1000 damage.




Start of mining highway on Vulpto lava level:


Looks like the inside of some disgusting creature, like a barbed tongue or spinal column. Very fitting for the hostilities of Vulpto. I’ll check it out.


How do you get there exactly?

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Lol, sorry I have totally forgot to post description :smiley:

I have been making this Moria MinesWay (N180) these two days :slight_smile: Basic idea is making highway for mining rubies :smiley: So far there is about 15 plots cleaned and made to design, but there is strip that stretches about 100 plots in east-west direction:
180N 1944E to 2303 and -2304 to -1841E
Height 27
Length: 822 blocks / 102 plots

You can hop on N180 and from there it’s much easier to travel to different points to look for rubies etc. I haven’t had time yet to make regular entrances, there is only one but I don’t have the coords now :smiley:

This is a long term project that I’ll be coming back to from time to time.


Here’s an oopsie! (Better add some dreadful invisible barriers) Ever wondered what the view from the top of the Sanctum is like?


Cool, thanks for the info! I’ll come check it out soon, but also, if you need any mining help, to clear stone and the like, I’d be happy to help, as I love the red Vulpto rock! :smiley:

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I think they’ll be added to the new Sanctum … it’s going to be immensely epic!


Didn’t know it was going to be changed. I like the sort of small look it has now, but I’m curious to see what a new one would be like.


Hehe :slight_smile: Sure, if you feel like mining I can add you to beacon, also I can provide you mats to fill in design if you want, for now it’s only bottom layer that has design.

There is this crude entrance 180N -2296E, you can go down the stairs (slope) or jump through the hole in the middle if you think you can land properly (there are leaves so you won’t get damage).

I plan on making entrances every so often, like 500 blocks or maybe 250, not sure what would be proper distance.


The first of the twins. Sorry for the atrophied hand. At least resembles mine! Will work on the other tool statue later, once I figured out how I’m gonna do the platform.

The hammer and the chisel, as held. @Kawwak’s Gleamtower is visible on the second shot here. Almost all of these two were built using double jump/jump height benefits and a bit of scaffolding. I did use the grapple a little bit initially but I only have a copper one so it wasn’t very useful in the end.

Edit: added more shots to not make another reply.


That’s awesome :smiley: From first image I thought it’s selling plinth for a moment :smiley: haha

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Are they asleep? You must have a calming effect on them. Kinda spitter tamer.


I can teach you my calming ways, if you like?

Just bash them over the head repeatedly with a totem until they fall asleep.


Always had a feeling this totem is pure magic!