Pvp poll

Im all for pvp planets. they would bring a lot of new players to the game. not to mention would boost the economy as the pvp players would visit non pvp planets and buy supplies and forged gear they need. Within the pvp planets have some kinda rading system would be dope.

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The problem with the planets are that they will have their own color pallets and resources. In about the other 5+ threads regarding the issue (which most everyone here has posted in already) this idea is brought up each time.

I myself am fine if we do not pull in the hardcore PvP players. I’d rather we continue to expand on the building, crafting, exploring and causal player base than risk pulling in a genre that generally results in more trolling.

I love pvp in most games.
The latency issues with this game or just the servers it is on would create a horrible pvp experience though.

I know most dont see it. But i play right beside my wife, both on PC. And there is a 3-4 second delay in game.

I mean this game cant even get healing right unless youre standing completely still.

This will translate to PvP so badly. You gonna stop if you need to heal bomb yourself? XD


Absolutely no pvp. Thats why i love this game because no pvp if they had pvp i would quit this game

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I hear you. don’t really have any latency unless im in a EU server at evening hours. I guess me personally want this game to be more than a builder game. economy is cool and its where I spend most my time in but theres no real motivation to keep growing and becoming an empire. Theres not much to do with the money but spend it on thing you already have. wish there was an outlet for players that have build shops and massed a lot of coin. Have rare items or even furniture or some incentives to build mass wealth.

Your poll is terrible.

You need more options -

No PvP
Casual PvP (no loot drop)
Hardcore PvP (full loot)

Maybe even a fourth option for somewhere in between

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No pvp at all

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I think I would be more supportive of a pvp structure if players were anonymous. Red vs. Blue style. If I win a match I don’t want a new PvE stalker :sweat_smile:

A PvP planet with no rewards is fine but if the PvP players are able to mine special blocks and get special drops that normal people don’t that would be an unfair advantage. I don’t know if anyone here said anything in rewards or not but that is an issue with PvP, will there be rewards. I say no rewards at all. If you want a PvP planet it needs to be done like Minecraft PvP.

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I will have to agree with others that my experience in PvP games is they do not build cooperation between communities of players. My fear would be that this competitiveness extends to the non-PvP parts of the game and that means guilds and groups of players do not interact in a constructive way due to the competition in the PvP portions. Why should a team that was just beaten and looted want to cooperate on a build with the group or players that just beat them? They will not.

But if the developers decide to do it and I decide I want to play a game where that is a component of play then your rewards are you get something from the losing player, like their coin or inventory, I am fine. If you want that type of action then that is the risk. But the planet and game should not reward PvP . If you want a PvP planet that duplicates a t1 planet resources and colors. . go for it. Add lava if you want to make it more deadly.


Exactly, the only real enjoyable online MMO I have played lacked PvP. The ones that have had PvP the player base just canabilized each other. The PvP trolls (not all players who want PvP are trolls) turned the rest of the player base off from playing then when there was only the PvP players left they got bored because all they had was PvP left and eventually the games had no one.

PvP will not remain restricted to any one environment or aspect of the game. It will spread to everything if let in.

They already announced that players will be able to own private planets which mean we can have access to colors that other players will not have access too.

Trove added PVP.

Made literally zero difference in terms of the fears you’ve outlined.

The main issue was, the PVP was just garbage.

I doubt this team would shoot for a garbage PvP system if they implemented it. The reason you saw no difference was because the system was not appealing enough for player use.

I’m going to grow so much of the plant that you hate the most, right next door to you.

Seriously though, seeing someone grow a farm without some sort of organization drives me nuts. When you see a farm that has random plants growing in random locations. Keep it organized for crying out loud!

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my self i think we already have a form of pvp in the game prestige it ultimately des nothing and just starts wars between players :joy:


If anyone builds anything I don’t like near my borders the plan is to symply build tanks and missle systems and point them at the other players build :stuck_out_tongue: can’t change it might as well have fun with it lol


My biggest thing is that the pvp should do nothing to interfere with what we already have. There are a ton of games out there that are made for pve and then slap on pvp element that is effectively underwhelming and lead to just a small group using it.

As a result of this, the community gets divided up into 2 groups, both of which then complain when the other group gets updates when their group doesn’t. The players who general prefer pvp (from what I’ve seen) also tend to be more vocal than the pvers who just want to play the game, so you get a large majority that just wants to enjoy the game and a small but more vocal minority complaining about balancing acts with the pvp.

A prime example of this is a game called Wurm Online where there is that vocal minority that has effectively “ruined” a lot of things that would be fine and even great for pve but then needed taking out because it “unbalanced” pvp.

Basically, there’s a fine line that can be crossed if the game should go this route and something that seriously needs considering in my opinion. Human nature can easily cause rifts and this could be an open door to creating such rifts. Personally, I don’t want to see the community become toxic at the expense of a minority group that wants pvp.


As much as I like to pvp in other games. It would ruin this game forever, just a bad idea. There are plenty of other sandbox games to play that have pvp in them.