Just found out - I placed a beacon plot in the tree heights, and when I switch to axe mode, the plot inclusive tree-blocks won’t highlight green. I think very important to fix.
Smart stacks don’t seem to update the recipes in the Compactor…
I added a smart stack to an existing smart stack in the compactor screen, then switched over to the recipes tab, the “Can Craft” recipes did not update. I had to close the compactor screen altogether and interact with it again for them to appear.
Likewise, when I had used the materials from the smart stack, the recipes still showed in the “Can Craft” section when there weren’t enough materials available. Closing and interacting with the compactor again sorted the recipes out (this used to work automatically, but now doesn’t seem to work).
Is the axe in your right or left hand? Only the item in your right hand causes highlighting currently whether it be for placing blocks or a tool that breaks blocks.
I see. Yes it was in the left hand. Good to know
There appears to be a slight blurring effect on the sides of the screen when swinging a tool. It moves when swinging to tool too, which is weird. I feel like it should be a blur effect towards the sides of the screen and not move with the held item.
my game has crashed 4 times today
the first time, I was activating a warp conduit, I started scrolling through my saved locations, the list started looking weird, then the game locked up for 4-5 minutes and then crashed
second time happened exactly the same way
third time, I was activating a selling plinth that I had just placed, immediately on pressing “e” the game locked up and then crashed
fourth time was about 10 minutes later and was exactly the same as the third
This is the Mac version… any suggestions?
I may have found another duplication bug… I activated someone’s selling plinth, put a stack of 25 lanterns into the shopping cart… I only wanted one so I was trying to split the stack, ultimately I ctrl-clicked the stack and suddenly the plinth had a smart stack with 2 stacks of 25 lanterns… I tried again at another plinth and got the same result
another crash this morning interacting with the workbench
again the game locks up for a few minutes, I get an SBOD and then the game shuts down
I’m not sure if this is a bug … but it’s almost all the time snowing or raining in a desert biom. Not sure if this should be the case. It’s really “disturbing” because one would expect that the biom is very “dry”.
I have a bug with my workbench.
The machine take my iron bar, but do not produce any nails.
Solved by removing all produced item from the workbench. But it’s still a bug, RIP my iron
Just to confirm, did you the nails appear in the “in progress” tab or “completed” tab? Was the “completed” tab overfilled? I haven’t experienced any issues making nails of any volume myself.
yes the nails appear as usual in the progress tab. But not in the completed tab.
Completed tab was filled with 4 items
Then I removed 1 and 2 items> bug still there>removed all item>bug solved
The game get stuck in inventory window a few minutes after this experiment (followed by a disconnect) Maybe my character was already crashing when that happened
Annoying bug…
I open a smart stack, click one of the items with left, to transfer
it out of the stack. instead of taking the complete amount of that smart
stack slot, it just moves the amout 1…
it happens with diverse stacks (coal stack, ore stack,…).
Even if I define the amount I want to take away (holding left mouse
button until I cycled to the right amount) and putting that amount into
another inventory slot, it again reduces that stack by just 1.
I and @Saint_X observed this a lot too. This is a huge problem.
For me, it’s a “quick fix” to drop everything in the smart stack i don’t like to transfer. I “keep my stacks clean” and stacking always only 1 item type (eg. only sedimentary rock) for better handling at the moment.
I did same way… since then i have clean stacks.
Besides you already found out more about the distribution of components?
On EU server it freaks me out at the moment. I listen to advices of where others found.
But right now I’m digging off a “mountain” (guess soon i burned another 10 stack of iron hammers) and find no component.
This distribution really is no fun the frustration level is much too high. You are not able to develope on without…
There is a market where you can buy a lot of things
That’s not a bug. They just didn’t do the model yet
Annoying bug…
I open a smart stack, click one of the items with left, to transfer it out of the stack. instead of taking the complete amount of that smart stack slot, it just moves the amout 1…
it happens with diverse stacks (coal stack, ore stack,…).
Even if I define the amount I want to take away (holding left mouse button until I cycled to the right amount) and putting that amount into another inventory slot, it again reduces that stack by just 1.