Release 147 - Report issues here

My shelf’s today when i log in, all cubic-shaped item was huge.

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My builder progression have stopped, stand just over lvl 8 for a week now.

I have build a lot and its not moving, nor show it up on the screen when i build.

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Is the bar filled up completely, or if this isn’t the case, is it not increasing when building with certain blocks?

You currently are able to smart stack silver hammers with gold ones. The bug/exploit I’ve come across with this is below.

  1. Have the gold hammer equipped first in the smart stack, then the silver.
  2. Use the gold hammer to mine some gemstones.
  3. When the gold hammer breaks, and it automatically switches to silver, you will still be able to mine gemstones as though you still had a gold hammer.
    Note: this effect goes away if you unequip and reequip the silver hammer.

Since gemstones are so rare it is unlikely that this “bug” will be very useful, as players need to either equip a different hammer to continue strip mining, or switch to a grapple to continue searching a cave. However if you’re in the middle of mining a gemstone and the gold one breaks, you can still get it with the smart stacked silver hammer.

No, the bar have passed lvl8 with ca 10%

I have build with a lot of material, from wood and stone to refined ones.

I have got miner skill to lvl 50, and it has stopped, but still show up on the screen when mining.
Do not know if there is a connection, but other skill still raising.

A few times now i could not close my inventory window after i have made some position-markers.
Interact (E) and escape keys did not work, had to shut down the game and restart it.

I’m having an issue where every time I try to warp to another planet, if I scroll to the bottom of the locations it will crash the game. Every Time.

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I can confirm this. I’ve the same problem.

Looks like if you scroll very slow, it work.

From release 147 post.

Known Issues:

   Scrolling up and down the Warp Locations menu may cause a crash.

Tonight I logged in on Vena, only person online. Completely unplayable.

wait i can do better

Can you respond to the request for connection details from this thread: Q: I'm having connection / lag issues - help!?

This will help us understand where the latency is coming from.

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The smoke seems to be falling instead of flying up I think this will be fixed on the new torch update

You can’t drop a location marker from the right click menu, only use it … is this intended?

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I seem to be locked out of 3rd person mode also I cant see the tool in hand (works normal) I think what made this happen was I used /wave and open up a GUI plus network lag? I got back to first person mode by typing /wave again

Adding my 2 cent on this:

“” Quotes

Issue w/ Beacon block:

I’ll try to be specific,

Currently cannot access my beacon, specifically no HUD shows up when i press the interaction button, unsure why, attempted to access another players beacon and it gave the normal message that i obviously cannot do that, which means the beacon are “receiving my interaction” if that makes sense.

I have used multiple crafting tables and other crafting stations, and those do indeed work.

I have not attempted to destroy the beacon in order to reset my plots, which might very well be a quick fix, but i just wanted to make sure that before destroying it, that no dev needed to physically check it out, idk how important that is, or if the physical block itself can give any useful info.
Location of Beacon Block: US West Berlyn ( 1728, 87, -1282 )

This is not a serious problem for me, just reporting a bug that occurred after the update.

Thank you!
“” End of Quotes

Same problem i’ve got here. I’ll start from the beginning:

I met a new buddy, wanted to add him as friend and citizen. I noticed by doing so that my former citizen was no longer a friend. Not a problem since she can still access all the stuff encompassed in the beacon. I add the guy and rush to the beacon to make him a citizen but it seems i can’t access the beacon. So i destroy the Beacon, add both of them as friend and work my way to claim the +/-35 land plots i had claimed already. I realise a few days later that i had forgotten a few corners of the base…as they got regenerated from refined metamorphic stones and glass to… dirt.

I forget about it and a few days later, i meet this new guy… guess what? Same problem. My friends aren’t friends anymore, i can’t access the beacon, and this time i don’t want to destroy the beacon. For 2 reasons: My two citizens don’t log at the same time as me anymore so i won’t be able to add them as friend in order to add them as citizen. So when they log back in, no base for them. Also, i don’t want to mess with the land plots again. My base is relativly complex and it’s easy to skip a few corners.

A small bug becoming quite annoying… :frowning:

Thanks for reading.

By position markers did you mean that you opened the Locations menu and saved your current location?

Yes, the idea is that once you use a location marker, it should add an extra location to your Locations tab and then the location marker itself should be removed from the Inventory.

Does this issue occur with mining more common resources with lower level tools?