Release 155 - Report issues here

I think Therka died about 15 mins ago - few of us on Discord got kicked out at the same time.

Now I’m getting “Error 25 - failed to retrieve player data” so I am guessing it’s still down.


About the time i had that problem also (Error 25)

Looks like Therka is the only down server :frowning: It’s still down it seems.

I can’t login from steam, or with my account . . . not cool.

It doesn’t make a difference whether I’m on Testing or Live versions. It won’t let me in from steam. When I try to run Boundless from Steam, it opens up a login window. I use my login, and it acts like it’s going to open, then it hangs on “connecting to discovery server”.

Therkas still down as of now, been about 7 hours now, I can log into but then I get error 25 :frowning:

Edit: Thanks for the update @michaelb :slight_smile: Is it usual for bigger things like this to only be fixed during UK office hours? (Just so I can plan my sleep better lol)

Yes Therkas is down - theres a problems with some of the machines entities thats preventing it restarting.

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I’m seeing bugs with multiple power cores connected.

It’s not reproducible every time, but it has happened quite often that I can start a 50 batch of gold/silver alloys (18k spark) and it will only use 3k spark, then if you cancel you get 18k spark back.

Seems to require 4 power cores connected together and they all have to be burning fuel at the same time.

Will add a screenshot to this post when i’m back on Therka

Same here with me. I originally made the workbench out of the quest order, so I wonder if that caused the hiccup.

When playing in Windowed mode in Wintendo “Windows 10”, the Windows toolbar menu pops up and pulls my cursor out of the game. It is usually when I’m mining a block or chopping down a tree. I’m not sure if it is a Windows thing responding to my constant mouse pressing or something in the game. It doesn’t happen in any other games, and I play a lot.
edit I forgot to mention I have a dual screen set-up. I know that has thrown a few games for a loop when dealing with full-screen vs. windowed. This issue is pretty consistent. I’d say every few minutes if I’m mining a bunch of trees.

Had a look to see if this had been posted, I don’t think it has, but sorry if it’s already been bugged.

If you hold down LMB and scroll your mouse wheel, the game will crash.

I was using a Stone Hammer on LMB and had a Light Cube on RMB. Repro’d it 2/2, haven’t tried with anything else though.

Devs, if you need logs let me know how to get them to you.


Happens the same to me too, doesn’t matter if you’re using the left or right, as long as you’re doing something and trying to rotate tools, it seems to crash

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Same problems. When I fall I switch to the slot with a hook, press to a button, use LMB (hook), and CRASH :four_leaf_clover:

My version still refuses to launch

Hey @TrueGormagon - can you share a gamelog?

Yup, I’ll try tomorrow assuming I have power

Assuming it’s even generated one

On the screenshot below I believe I’m looking at gleam stacks I depleted completely 5-10 minutes before. They were still displayed but only at certain distance - they would disappear after moving a few blocks closer from where I took the screenshot.

Don’t quite understand this response.

Does Boundless launch for you or not?
Is the issue starting the game, or something within the game?

A clear description of the issue will help us workout the issue.

Hate to be issue-spamming but I have noticed that working machinery animation tends to continue after crafting is finished. Issue doesn’t exist if the crafting process ends when I’m around the machine or interacting with it directly. However, if I leave the location where the working machine is placed and come back after it’s finished with crafting, the animation is still on and only stops after interacting with the machine.

We haven’t been able to reproduce it, does it occur 100% for you? You can send a log to us by creating a Gist or Pastebin version of it. Further instructions can be found here

Can you provide coordinates so that we can take a look at it?