it does in this game too!, but you need to capitalise otherwise it doesn’t count as an acronym
“DoT”, and I don’t believe that bombs apply status effects at all.
Actually DoT.
damn, I said that first, then edited it
26 total spark cores, and -280N -1,180E (altitude:112) Vulpto.
Correct on the DoT being damage over time. The green(emerald) bow applys a DoT, and the green(emerald) bombs should also apply a DoT. Even though I actually like it being a dps bombs as is. The problem is that is cost the same as a ruby bomb and the same skills as a ruby bomb, so why buy a emerald or diamond if the ruby hits the hardest?
This is where bombs need some re-thinking like I mention in the bomb post.
Also my specs are about the same as Flithor’s except it’s destop.
Actually if we knew more what the Forge is going to do, it may slow down so many post of suggestions. I have a heavy feeling 99% of all the things we keep mentioning is already covered and taken care of with the forge update.
Holding right click on an item and then moving across to a different slot in a smart stack makes it select the amount of the other slot.
This bug seems similar to the bug I found here, but it occurs with smart stacked items.
One thing that I would also like to mention is that I was able to replicate this in my inventory, not just a storage block.
The Settlement got cut into pieces, all Beacons show different Values (and “failed to load”), some fields no longer count to the prestige.
Therka 972N 972E
ok not sure it only me i have my key bind got rest automatic some odd reason when i change option menu it doesnt want to sick on key bind as home key but esc
Shimmering orbs are too rare as well. Not just shadow orbs. I ran for over an hour and did not find a single one. Running caves in Andoween.
NVM, I found them finally.
ok not sure it only me i have my key bind got rest automatic some odd reason when i change option menu it doesnt want to sick on key bind as home key but esc
i figure out not a bug
Not sure if this is a bug but I have realized that it is a nuisance to me when mining.
Whenever I die in a cave and there is no space directly above me I will teleport to the surface and will have to dig down to get into the cave again. This happens to me mostly when I die in lava and have to go back to the sanctum with the warp being opened to a place on the surface.
Not sure if this is a bug but I have realized that it is a nuisance to me when mining.
Whenever I die in a cave and there is no space directly above me I will teleport to the surface and will have to dig down to get into the cave again. This happens to me mostly when I die in lava and have to go back to the sanctum with the warp being opened to a place on the surface.
portal from Sanctaey need to be 2x3, there for it teleport to height it can spawn
I meant no space as in I die in lava and there is lots of blocks above me, but there’s no place around that’s solid ground.
It’s very hard to describe as it relies on a game mechanic which stops warps which might be harmful to the player (teleport into lava etc.)
You could make a small room somewhere that is big enough for the sanctum portal, then save taht location. Then you can get to that place without digging again. Beacon it if you need it for a long time so it doesn’t regenerate.
I run through ~3 large caves per hour. I simply can’t be making a room and saving a location per cave for the sake of the game not being able to teleport me to a location inside the cave when I die; it just reduces efficiency.
Something that could be accomplished to avoid making a new location every time is included in my suggestion post which can be found here. I personally think it’s a clever idea and avoids the need to reprogram the way that the sanctum warp chooses a safe location for a player.
Yet the issue still stands.
I went through a Therka portal that went to an air ship or something when I tried to leave (using the portal) everything went black and next thing I know im deep under Therka. I had to spend 550c to get back to my base.
Bugs by Seth #00002. if you create a new character and pick a skin, then pick a server immediately log out. When you log back in you can pick your server but your character skin changes back to the default skin and you do not get the option to change it. Obviously you can still change it in the character select menu, but it’s the switching it to the default skin that’s bugged.
Still can place blocks even if i am out of energy. Energy bar jsut stay low without recharging while placing blocks.
Atlas : When using an exotic earthyam in the andooweem atlas, it doesn’t show the cactus spawn area