T4 Lush Exo? Already sacrificed the spitters

Had to try, seems that it always happens after sacrificing 9 spitters, raising the totem to the sky and posting on the forum :smiley:
It may be just spurious correlation (there’s a book on that) :smiley:



Maybe they want Roadrunners this time instead? :thinking: I’ll go butcher a bunch… :grin: Just have to find the dev offering basket for the feathers now!

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What do people use to keep an eye out for exo’s? I used to look on portal seekers discord but seems its died.

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There is a bot posting here on the forum.


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It’s not dead, it’s not showing exos cause there IS NO exo at the moment.

When was the last time that we had a non lucent exo (besides the color cycling exo)?
I can’t remember tbh, it seems like too long.

47 days is too long?

T4 Exo i could see the last one was 155 days ago

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I went to that t4 lush! :joy:

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There are no current exo worlds, the latest ones appear here when they are discovered…

If you have a discord you can get those alerts added to your own by reading the post here: