Had to try, seems that it always happens after sacrificing 9 spitters, raising the totem to the sky and posting on the forum
It may be just spurious correlation (there’s a book on that)
Maybe they want Roadrunners this time instead? I’ll go butcher a bunch… Just have to find the dev offering basket for the feathers now!
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January 26, 2021, 4:00pm
What do people use to keep an eye out for exo’s? I used to look on portal seekers discord but seems its died.
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There is a bot posting here on the forum.
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January 26, 2021, 5:48pm
It’s not dead, it’s not showing exos cause there IS NO exo at the moment.
January 26, 2021, 6:12pm
When was the last time that we had a non lucent exo (besides the color cycling exo)?
I can’t remember tbh, it seems like too long.
--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
[image] ID : 2051
[image] Name : Braconik-628B
[image] Type : Corrosive
[image] Tier : T6 - Fierce
[image] Atmosphere : Lvl 5 Caustic (4 levels)
[image] Size : 3km (34 Regions)
[image] Liquid : ▲ Water | ▼ Lava
[image] Region : US East
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
[image] 42 blinksecs from Shedu Tier
[image] Warp Cost : 3400c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Deta…
47 days is too long?
T4 Exo i could see the last one was 155 days ago
[Boundless Planets_New Vulcan]
[image] Name : New Vulcan
[image] Type : Lush
[image] Tier : 4
[image] Atmosphere : Caustic Lvl 1
[image] Surface : Water
[image] Underground : Water
[image] 21 blinksecs of Delta Cancret
[image] Warp Cost : 1700c
[image] Appeared August 19, 2020 2:47 P…
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There are no current exo worlds, the latest ones appear here when they are discovered…
If you have a discord you can get those alerts added to your own by reading the post here:
I decided to split this topic out from the main Boundlexx topic to help get it more visibility for anyone interested.
As many people may seen on various Boundless Discords, I have Discord Notifications set up via Webhooks on the backend for Boundlexx. Webhooks are URLs you can configure on any channel you have moderation powers over in Discord. You create a Webhook, give it to me and tell me what you want to send you.
To keep the technical details light, I have an event system set up in Boundl…