Levelling up on Live at level 46 gives you 10 plots.
Levelling up on Testing at level 46 gives you 300 cubits. 300 cubits gets you 10 plots.
I can’t (base not on testing worlds) but I do understand that. It’s a long way off into a play journey before you can customise with that though. First you have to gather, build it, gather, craft ingreds, gamble. I’m thinking of the first couple of hundred hours that wowed me and hooked me in, the shine is no longer there. It’s a long way in, which is fine if you think your market is going to be grind-happy players but I’d suggest they’re a minority from other games I’ve been a part of.
Thanks for the info & suggestion though, I’m always worried I’m missing some aspect when I’m playing an EA title. Always welcome more info.
Ah yes, thanks James, I see now that I still have all my original plots, I thought they would be wiped like the skill points and have to be re-allocated.
Not wanting to sound like I’m just complaining but the logic seems a little odd that we can get an epic 3 for weapon crafting but can’t do the same for making a hammer, it’s either tool, weapon or tech crafting although I would of thought that if anyone had the skills to do one they could also turn their hand to the others.
On a positive note I have started a new character on testing and so far I’m finding the leveling progression pretty straight forward and not too grindy. Reached level 11 in one evening of play, although I know this will soon get harder and harder, but it’s been fun so far.
The Forge isn’t a long way in. The Forge is designed to run perpendicular to material progression, ie.
- Have Stone tools.
- Pick between progressing to Metal or Forging Stone.
Ah, well you may consider giving a fresh start a try, the new level up game loop heavily involves use of the forge at an early level as a sort of “should I upgrade materials, or improve what I have” play loop. Coming into this loop from a fully leveled character with high end tools is quite jarring, so I recommend starting fresh.
Edit- seems james beat me to it by “that much”
Thanks for all the feedback everyone.
The reason we release into Testing is exactly that - to get feedback, comments, criticism, objections, and new ideas.
I hope that we can see that many of the changes in this release are specifically in response to feedback and criticism from past releases, for example: multiple skill specs hence not requiring alts (you know who you are!!) and a range of the skill tree changes (easier to experiment, constant pricing and no price inflation hence easier to plan, “ending” skills are more epic, removing skills players expect to have, clearer decisions points between skills, etc.)
I’ve been reading through all the comments over the weekend and will digest them with the team next week.
And in case you missed them - please checkout @Jiivita’s feature introduction videos.
You don’t get hungry for doing nothing.
You only get hungry for doing stuff.
Sprinting or using tools and weapons for example.
I have to admit that I too was under the impression that the forge was a so called “end game” machine (hate that term) and didn’t even look at it thinking it would need gems etc etc etc … just logged back on and now see that the hardest part to get are just precious alloy and spark which aren’t too difficult to make, even my new level 12 character can achieve that pretty easily.
I do not want to de-rail this topic, but by creating starvation you do limit “rubberbanding”. The player will ultimately starve and be returned to sanctum when they die. It might take a while but should limit how long it would work.
No, the Forge itself is not a long way in but this is:
Resource for enough coils
Ingredients for pastes, gums, etc. to assure the desired output with forge
Still random chance you can’t get what you want, hence more paste etc. (and possibly base weapon materials or cleaning paste thingies to gamble with if you fail)
On top of base ingredients for base weapon. Are gems or similar base weapon resources going to be easier to come by?
It’s easy to say the Forge is close but it then has a different crafting experience. It also requires a lot more materials to get going and a lot of relatively rare materials to get good high level stuff.
It’s easy to pick one point and say it’s not that far off but that skips some context.
Do Forge-upgraded Iron Tools, for example, offer the same kind of experience as the play time to get to a Precise Ruby Bow now? With the same kind of resource profile or assured end point? In the same kind of time? Perhaps as Havok40k says (thanks again!) it’s particularly jarring with existing characters.
Perhaps me taking max +Power, max +All, +50% dmg Epic and any other DPS options I could find and still finding a gem bow output puny against Mighty Wildstock with purple HP bars will just be a path players don’t have to face at 1.0.
It’s all around though, throughout the game. Even silly things like the Daily objectives. Skill Resets being dropped. Enough bits, slices, that are integral to play so the progression feels stretched and the fun dampened.
I watched my character last night sitting idle go from normal to taking hunger damage from starvation. If that’s not intended then fine, it’s less punishing.
I don’t think sprinting should eventually produce damage. What’s the benefit? Think of the play experiences it would disrupt in the name of what? Adhering to IRL norms? I understand the hooks on real life things (though I find the number of them confusing given it’s all aliens and alien worlds anyway) present in the game but I don’t see any benefit to adding a gating/resource system to a fundamental of a game. Running around is not some cool perk we get to enjoy, it’s part of your interaction with it. It’s a translation of us into the immersive world.
Hopefully you starve to death and die permanently if you are spamming actions such as plot claiming by using rubber bands for hours or days! At least people couldn’t complain as their defense is always they are simply using the game mechanics as intended by the developers. Well, if the character starves to death and dies permanently because of their tricks it will just be the game mechanics operating as designed by the developers and for that they should be happy with the result!
seen video now get it to live yay

Hopefully you starve to death and die permanently if you are spamming actions such as plot claiming
yeah, you will as those actions take energy

Resource for enough coils
Ingredients for pastes, gums, etc. to assure the desired output with forge
Still random chance you can’t get what you want, hence more paste etc. (and possibly base weapon materials or cleaning paste thingies to gamble with if you fail)
well, you don’t need any of this high level stuff, and when you’re at a lowish tier, you don’t even have those crafting skills anyways. As with any of the other machines, more advanced things/characteristics will need better ingredients, skills and coils.
Yeah I get that. As I said above, it’d be good to know if the early forge tiers (& the time to get them) meet current progress, because it seems from learning about the forge & its ingredient demands like you have to work harder to get back to where we are now.
In my limited (3 items?) experience trying to forge iron items I was never able to make anything I liked or found useful. At the time it was crashing often, and I didn’t have power on my extracter to make higher level ingredients. Hopefully it is better now, but I lost interest in trying.
the new skill tree is not completely without flaws im afraid.
For example:
u are forced to either choose hammer mastery or axe+shovel, which is strange for me cause, while mining u need also a shovel to clear sand and dirt, so in this case shovel should be put into hammer perk. thats would make more sense in my opinion.
So I’m fairly new here - forgive me if I’m behind on something!
I like this new skill tree - it seems much more intuitive than the one that we have currently!
However… the lack of “Lance Mastery” and the lack of the lance weapon is making me sad
I love melee, I wanna be a melee tank archetype character, but without a melee weapon option, that’s impossible. Is the lance going to come out fairly soon? Is there anything being done on that at the moment? I’ve been searching for info but have found basically nothing
Yeah I’m sad about the implications of the lance too but you can forge an axe or hammer with damage and bleed effects to make them more viable in melee combat. Paired with tools low stamina consumption, you might be able to make a viable melee tank build… I’ll experiment as I can.