Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest

Yes that will change. You can only get starberries from the vines and yams from the yam plants

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I just see people (maybe myself included) who have created farms for lower level and mid tier people leaving because youā€™ve tried to help the ā€œnewerā€ folk and now itā€™s stripped away from them and you. Yes itā€™s more of a grind and everything. But not every single person has 30-60ish hours a week to do everything they want to do. Iā€™m lucky I can play when I need to or want to. But what about the kid or adult who can play 5-10 hours a week? Should they be handy capped that much?


Iā€™ve really never played an MMORPG or MMO Sandbox where people so adamantly refuse to participate in the multiplayer aspects of the game.

I just donā€™t understand.


Iā€™m just hearing Regen farms will be getting pushed out of the game basically. There is no need to remove these drops from blocks. Let people farm the way they want. If want to use Regen farms let them. If they want to grow them let them. Donā€™t rip someoneā€™s work away from them. Donā€™t tell someone how they should play the game, let them play the way that makes the game enjoyable to them.


Yeah keep block drop the same (regen farms) add extra yields if you plant and farm them. Donā€™t screw over the people who built regen farms and the ones who use regen farms. Thatā€™s screwing your player base and boundless canā€™t afford that


Honestly I think the problem is how hard it is to participate in the economy/mmo aspect. In no other game you have to post on the forums or run around for hours trying to find somebody selling a basic resource to me.


So making a common food (earth yams/starberries) more difficult for a newer player to collect and veterans of the game saying itā€™s hurting the newer player base as not willing to participate in an mmo game. Than do you buy rift or blink slingbows at 40-50k each? If not than you arenā€™t willing to play the mmo game either. You are end game why canā€™t you pay end game prices that high?

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This will be a much larger grind also. Ever had to plant 2 SS of seeds in this game. It takes a lifetime to do. Now you harvest the 2 SS of seeds to maybe get a SS of whatever back and oh then replanet all the seeds again. That sounds like so much fun. Plant farms should just be a alternative to farming the resources from blocks, not a replacement for it.


And any newer people a ā€œgoodā€ rift planet hasnā€™t t been around for months but 50+ (RANK) people still complain that rift is to expensive but earthyams shouldnā€™t be ā€œfreeā€ like they have been

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Ehh you want to get personal with me?

If you can get me some decent ones at those prices Iā€™m a buyer. And a seller. An active participant in the economy.

etc ā€¦

Might be the intended design and not a bug, BUT it surely IS a problem!

It means it is now even more time consuming and thus harder to get your yams than it was before. No thanksā€¦


Thatā€™s due to the fact that boundlessā€™s economy is a straight up joke when someone has to run around for hours just to find what they need or spam the forums with buy/sell threads there is something fundamentally wrong there


Actually said nothing ā€œ personal ā€œ about you. But if earthyams or berries shouldnā€™t fall from soil or foliage like they have, than 50+ (rank) players shouldnā€™t be saying anything about an unforged rift or blink tool/weapon being 50k. If you bought overpriced stuff cool and more power to you. Glad you have the funds to. But what noob has the coin to buy anything that was so easily gathered? I didnā€™t when I started on ps4 release. I lived off free soil yams and foliage berries. You didnā€™t?


And here I was hoping this update woildnt have any issuesā€¦

You should never get less seeds than what you put into it, the whole point of a farm is so you DONā€™T have to spend time gathering them manually but instead can have all the resources needed close by.

I would be alright if it started off as a 1:1 (i.e same amount of seeds planted is what you also get back) for lower efficiency farms, but max efficiency farms should ALWAYS give back a surplus of seeds.

Anything else defeats the whole point of farming and just acts as another nurf to gathering compared to what we can do now.


I did not. I started after you, and I built this farming trunk/sap/bark, and foraging:

Reactive Lamella FTW. Iā€™ve done over 400 recipes but never crafted a coil.

I donā€™t know where this comes from. Iā€™ve never sold a rift or blink item for over 10k?

I have complained several times about foraging being wrecked by luck drops. Nothing against the people who play the game as itā€™s coded though.

@Nightstar @morey523

Guys, please donā€™t start a word battle here, take it to Pm!

As a very important point may get lost because no-one wants to read an argument!

Thanks :+1:


Ok again to be CLEAR wasnā€™t saying you personally. And the more farms the better. Iā€™m half owner of bobā€™s farms which will be obsolete due to the farming update. I was more saying from personal experience that making berries and yams no longer dropping from soil or foliage will kill the newer player base because I ( me personally) lived off free berries and yams for months from digging out and cutting down trees and foliage to make my first ā€œhomeā€ and stone furnace.


I completely agree with you.

I can only hope the devs see sense, but a field of crops returning less seeds than the start seems nonsensical to me.

Iā€™d even be happy with an inefficient farm returning slightly less than 1:1, a medium one at 1:1 and a max at 1:2.

But for all farms to return less than 1:1 just isnā€™t right.

Such a pity, as I hoped farming would rekindle my enjoyment of Boundless, but it looks like it may be the end!


I think if you are planting the farm and caring for the farm it should be 1:2 yield at the least. 1 tomato seed or strawberry seed rarely gives you just 1 tomato or strawberry. You always get more from 1 fruit/vegetable


There is so much game to be played, I think low level people have a lot to keep them busy. Why not be happy there soooo many hours of fun to be had! It sound a line farming is available to low level players, they just need to do the timeā€¦ just like everyone else.

I have to add, low level players today have it much easier than they did at release. :blush: Farming is going to take work and add to the economy. So far, I think the changes look great!

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