Thank you boundless! (happy to announce some news!)

Also popular in Scotland, due to St. Andrew being one of our patron saints.

Scottish Gaelic form is Anndra.

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Tldl; Sue.


Congratulations! That is an absolutely amazing story! Best wishes for you both and for the soon to arrive little one!

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Iā€™m fond of Gordon, Gregory, Sebashtian, and Kropotkinā€¦ erā€¦ Tolstoy! Kropotkin! Tolstoy!.. I I I want to change my answer! (itā€™s sposed to be a funny riff on an soundclip meme)

also. Tig and Sol :smiley:

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The Baby Name should be ā€œMiraiā€ means Future lol

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To @May-L04 should name yourself hostess when married lol Iā€™m talking in game or on forums :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I own already a char named MrsHOST
I call that: quest completed :+1:t2:


Sam is the best name I ever hadā€¦

Nice says who us boundless people donā€™t have a sense of humor no one does thatā€™s who

You really need to think more about how to form Your sentences, because it confuses me so often, and Iā€™m surely not the only one :sweat_smile: Are You saying: ā€œwho says, we boundless people wouldnā€™t have sense of humor? No-one does.ā€?


@Fuzzybear1919 - I think your interaction with the grown-ups will improve a lot when you will start using those commasā€¦ I am not the only one having difficulties reading your posts :slight_smile:
It just takes a little more effortā€¦



It makes more sense if you read his posts in a Yoda voiceā€¦:thinking::rofl:


I would if I was taught more than what they are called

Itā€™s OK bro donā€™t listen to may sheā€™s pregnant donā€™t forget :rofl::shushing_face:

I better hide :face_with_hand_over_mouth::zipper_mouth_face::dizzy_face:


I can imagine the conversation with my teacher
Me: you need to teach us more about commas
Teacher: who gave you that idea
Me: well a bunch of people on the internet


I think your teacher is broken :thinking:

Ps Google can be your teacher :wink:

Touche 10 chars

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That should be part of standard school education. Little advice to how to place them: pay attention to how You would talk in reality, You do for sure have tiny pauses while Youā€™re speaking. Also before a comma is set, the voice raises the pitch. Maybe thatā€™s helpful. So think of what You wanna say, speak it out loud or at least say it in your head and pay attention to how You would emphasize the sentences. (Hope that helps, Iā€™m struggling with wording/describing that right here, my language(lingual) knowledge and English skills are lacking here)


Are you trying to tell me that it was unintentional? @Fuzzybear1919

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Hmmm I went to look at what year weā€™re teaching basics of punctuation and TBH Iā€™m not even sure if american public schools are any more, unless you get into writing classes by the high school level. Iā€™m fairly sure we were doing sentence structure and grammar (with punctuation) by the third grade when I was a child.

ARGH this wants me to go on a whole tirade again about the hard dumbing down of our school system ever since Nancy Reagan and ā€œNo Child Left Behindā€ :scream: :face_vomiting:

Anyways @Fuzzybear1919 if you want to be ā€œbetter than averageā€ you do have tools at your disposal:

EDIT: Yep, Reagan era. There are plenty of articles like this:

Why isnā€™t it (grammar) being taught in school?

Generally speaking, grammar is no longer regarded as a need in many schools. It has been on a slow decline for years, although the effects of it not being taught are being noticed by many at this point in time. The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) started discouraging grammar being taught in schools, by 1985. A switch was made to focus more on language arts than grammar.