The Kindness of Strangers

Here. I’m just going to leave this little video here about an Experiment on a small scale. Watch this, and tell me what you learn.

I’m not trolling, or being a jerk. Just read what I said in that post you quoted, instead of just the first paragraph, then look at this video with an experiment about having no rules or mechanics preventing griefing. Then tell me with a straight face, that I don’t know anything, that I am wrong, and I will admit to being wrong and that people are naturally nice without any motivation to be nice, and that no one ever griefs or are jerks.

If you mine for titanium you will automatically find a heck of a lot of iron as well and depending on the location and planet silver and/or gold as well.
You have quite a few diamonds for sale I saw, 158 IIRC, so there is no real need to “try your luck at diamonds” since you have plenty of them. Your workbench also seemed to have power coils so technically you could make titanium tools.

My first titanium was found on Serpesarindi, together with lots of silver or gold, enough to start making my own titanium tools. Before that I had to buy silver, gold, titanium, tools, etc.

You don’t like to shoot, ok, I suppose that you’re not the only one out there but that doesn’t mean you need to be buying glue. Why not buy bones?
Am assuming you do use wood and cut trees so you have sap, why not strike a deal with someone who is always swimming ion bones and needs to go out specifically for wood in order to get sap? That would be a win-win for the both of you. That person could be me…

Ancient Vital Essence, you’re already assuming the amount you find will stay the same, it won’t, once you get the better tools and go mine at higher tier planets more often you wll get more and more of that stuff, trust me, right now I have more than I use at the moment. Just take it a step at a time, I didn’t do mass crafts of things I didn’t have plenty of even tho I hate to not do mass crafts.

Shimmering orbs, yes, they are a pain, but find a good Growth field on Delta Cancret (I can hook you up with a location or 2, get/buy/forge some regen bombs and go nuts on them until you have enough for a few crafts. I forge, craft my own tools, I brew and make food items, all need shimmering orbs. Yes, at times I don’t want to go out to get them yet again but it’s not daily anymore. I get around 72 to 100 and then for a few days I’m good to go.

And as for affording things, if you sell those diamonds to other shops at 500c a pop you would have 79k and you’re not just selling diamonds I saw :wink:
Heck you could even have sold them for 600c but you didn’t want to visit that shop ever :stuck_out_tongue:

Then the coal, use Jen’s fuel exchange on Lamblis, she gives a very good rate on regular coal, gives a 1 to 10 ratio I believe back in compacted coal. Besides, I didn’t start using compacted until way late (like a week ago), so why the need to go compacted straight away?

Also, again, you have 158 diamonds, some people have standing offers to exchange them for refined ones (DK for example does…), you could also invest into buying a gem Block Changing chisel and turn compacted diamonds into rubies and get your compactor some power coils that way.
Or, a novel idea, ask someone with such a chisel to do it for you, again, you could ask me to it, done in a jiffy without much cost to me (slight durability).

All in all I have this sinking feeling you are always, or at least currently in a mood that makes you seem like a “glass is half full” person and only seeing current problems and problems ahead without trying to creatively get around those issues…

And, again, am willing to help you out in any way I can if you can get over the feeling of visiting a shop you vowed to never go to :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Jiro has 158 Diamonds?

You’re such a troll Jiro!! LOL Geez o man! Lol

You can easily afford or have the means to get whatever you want. You already have some power coils? Get the heck outta here!! Lol

Wanna trade diamonds for silver or gold?

Man… and for a second I felt bad for you. Lol

I literally just got 154, now it’s 230ish I think. Let me check… 282 Rough Diamonds now, just last night and yesterday afternoon.

All thanks to 2 weeks of saving up Footfall, and having a shop for a week, that I saved up 22k coins and was able to buy a 3x3 Emerald Hammer for my Miner to use, which for him can 1 hit blocks in T5 Serp. The hammer is now almost completely broken after 4 Persistance Loafs and Durability Epic length, but got 282 Rough Diamonds, 0 Silver, 40 Gold, and 102 Titanium. Thankfully with some Iron too, but not as much as I was hoping for, only 912.

Either way tho, I have a bunch of Diamonds I can’t use, Krafters only buys 9 at a time so not selling to them, so just stuck them in my shop to sell. Maybe they will sell, most likely they won’t. So even if I have ‘Value’ in terms of objects, that A, doesn’t pay for a new 3x3 Hammer, and B, was such as waste of time, I’m just going to buy a cheaper 3x3 hammer next time and just mine in my backyard on this Metal World for Iron instead. I was hoping for a lot of iron, not so little.

Also C, I have 4,747c total across all my alts, which is split with 2,000 in my Request Basket for Rough Oort, and 2,747c in my request basket for Glue.

Basically: I mined for a bit with an Emerald 3x3 Hammer, got a little Iron, and got a bunch of stuff I can’t use nor really sell well, and went from 22k coins to 4k coins as a result. I didn’t progress at all, in fact I regressed, cause I should have used that 22k buying iron and glue instead.

The only one who is driving most player away is u and ur false accusations about grind. This is not minecraft creative mode: if u want to build something, u grind the material first. Thats how this game is built and u being to slow or barriered inside ur head for gettin stuff easy and fast doesnt mean the grind is bad in this game or at all.

are u actually calculating the 282 diamonds and 100 titanium in when u wrote this??? u can build 3 of those hammers from them



No, @Shadesmar, I ‘Can’t’ make 3 of those hammers from them. Cause I don’t have any of the other materials. Meanwhile with Iron, I am making more tools. Or well I’m not, waiting to collect all the resources to do all the mass crafting at once, but I’m going to be doing that soonish.

But 282 Diamonds and 268* Total Titanium, from the 2 mining trips I took, to me have no value, no use. I can’t turn them into tools, I can only sell them. And judging from how often someone buys something from my shop, that’s going to take a few months. So like I said, I have ‘Value’ in blocks, but I can’t just, say, go sell them instantly to an NPC. Krafter’s ran out of money for Rough Diamonds, and I don’t know of any other shop buying Rough Diamonds. Titanium I might find a request basket for, but doubt they buying for a very high price. Heck, even Krafters is buying Diamonds at 500c, but selling them at 750c each. Which is why I undercut their prices, hoping for sales. Doesn’t work tho.

shrugs So in the end, I get nothing. Maybe a month or two from now when they slowly get sold, I’ll gain some coin from them, but for right this very moment? They hold no value or use. Unless you’re going to come by and buy them all from my shop stand?

u CAN make them, u just outright refuse to collect basic materials. stop blaming the game for ur denial!


We’ve gotten waaay off topic, the thread should probably be closed by now, but I’ll just leave you with this, since you must have skipped it:

I know I said I wasnt going to reply to you, but you’re so close to moving past iron I have to say something. Make a post here selling those diamonds for 500c. You’ll make 140k. You can easily purchase another round of high end mining gear to get more gems. And you’ll have 100k to buy the resources you dont want to go collect. You’re basically there.

Did you check your PM? I’ll send another.

Oh I did, but I’m already wasting time collecting wood, Sap, Iron, Coal, and Fiberish Leaves, I don’t have much time to do even more collecting on top of that.

The reason I could do these 2 Mining trips yesterday and last night, was cause I kept hearing I’ll get a lot more Iron out of it and so took my time trying for Diamonds and Iron, instead of my normal Iron runs.

I can’t play 12 hours a day, every day, farming as much as I want, whenever I want, lol

Edit: In other words, to farm for something new, I have to take time out of farming for something else. If I’m farming for Gold/Silver, I can’t be farming for Iron. if I’m farming for Shimmering Orb, i can’t be farming Fiberish Leaves, and so on.

But that’s the thing… you dont have to farm everything. You concentrate on a few specific things and work your magic out of that. You trade/sell/buy for the other stuff you need.

Edit: when you farm for gold and silver you get tons of iron :slight_smile:

Edit2: you turn those diamonds into the gold silver iron etc that you want

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why do people like u always want everything done in 1 hour of game, 1 day or whatever? there is no time limitation in this game except the burning shards in ur portals and ur beacons u need to renew every 15 weeks. why u accuse the game always of cutting ur time? u can come and go whenever u want, do whatever u want in the game… i dont get why ur saying u have time for mining, but not for plant gathering. thats totally arbitrary


Wanna swap your diamonds for something else? I got plenty of bones/glue/iron/copper/titanium/other gems.

You name it! Trading doesn’t have to involve coin. I do even forge my own 3x3 hammers so heck, we can even trade for that. Can make 'm from iron, titanium or any of the gems.

People can be nice, and they are around in this game, you just have to find them.

A few days ago I was mining for Sapphires/Topaz, I just did like 250 gems in an hour, mixed. When I was down there I saw two people close by, slowing hacking away, didn’t see them, occasionally heard the ticking and they moved slowly. Made sure I didn’t come too close. Then I asked how it was going. Turned out they were a kid and his/her dad (that pulled at my heartstrings, used to game with my dad when I was young and my dad died in May this year, sigh), they had been mining with iron hammers for 4 hours, they had 80 sapphires for their power coils and 70 topaz (or other way around). They wanted to continue for another 10 topaz but they just broke their last iron hammer and were now using stone hammers! I asked their coords, quickly smashed my way to them with my 3x3 diamond hammer under a fast brew. Gave them titanium hammers, some fast brews and 10 topaz so they could go back and make those power coils if they wanted. They were happy!

Anyways, if you want to sell your diamonds to request baskets there are more places than Krafters. He also buys refined diamonds BTW, that’s another option too. Grump store buys them, DK buys them, I buy them if I have enough coin, etc., etc.

This game doesn’t have to be so hard, stay open minded for more possibilities! And offers still stand! I need fibrous leafs a ton a day as well, we can even trade for those.

Ohh and BTW, I make my own pies and sell them, you can then even save on that too :wink:

And I replied to that, offered all kinds of help and possible deals/ways to overcome your issues, why not use them? And it seems I’m not the only one trying to help…


You’ve got around 200k worth of materials and act like you can’t do anything in the game. Go find a shop and sell everything you don’t need. Buy a couple of power coils, get on Discord and communicate with the buyers and sellers, make posts in the trading section.
There’s always opportunities available and ways to get things done, you just need to stop expecting the community to come to you and go out and join it.


Congrats Jiro! Its good to see that despite your best efforts you’re actually progressing quite well.

A week or so ago finding diamonds was impossible for you… glad to see you gave it a try.

I have faith that in another week you can try a slingbow and shoot some of those mobs in your base.

Although you may want to slow it down a little, your making the last few weeks of repetitive forum posts look a little silly now.


Yeah, just checked, DK is buying 4k diamonds at 401c a pop, also buys compacted and refined. Grump store buys 93 for 400c, etc., etc

Shop around, accept offers of help!


Hey jirodyne
U couldnt find your shop in fact I got a bit lost in the process lol
Anyways if you need glue bro come see me in about 15 hours on sorissi
From sorissi ps hub come off platform towards far left and its the third portal from the right

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