Yay it’s here! So excited!!!
So if we are getting a sovereign do we have to wait for the dev team to gen it or do we just order through the game, setup our parameters and let it gen?
Yay it’s here! So excited!!!
So if we are getting a sovereign do we have to wait for the dev team to gen it or do we just order through the game, setup our parameters and let it gen?
More asking if I rent a T6 if I can choose Corrosive, Shock, etc. etc. Or if they just pick one at random and if I don’t get what I want I have to sign up for a new planet and roll the dice again.
I’m just taking the OP a bit literally and I think it’s safe to assume we do get that level of control but I’d still appreciate getting explicit confirmation on that.
That’s all . I can wait for the FAQ, just figured I’d ask while Ross was around
Ah, I see. I have no idea about that one lol. Maybe they’ll select some questions from this thread to answer
If they need questions to answer I’ve got a whole bunch for them compiled from folks
@SamF Would you happen to know what is the min and max number of biomes you can select on a sovereign and creative world?
Already discussing what to take with friends.
Secondary question, how do prefabs factor in the biomes?
On Kada I, there are big diagonal gleam formations sticking out of the ground. Are those a biome, or something else?
That is true, they are still exo specific materials
you will be able to pick between the different atmosphere types for a t6 world for example
Is there any chance for us to get some new API URLs to help support the community tools with the new sovereign worlds? The biggest one that would be of help would be one for block colors.
But the corresponding profile might not necessarily match? And I’m assuming then is randomized?
Interesting…thank you for the info!
Good to know. As the wording from way back when sounded like lucent would eventually be on a more permanent type of planet
Yep this is a bit of a bummer but oh well.
Is there a minimum/maximum number of biomes that we have to choose?
Like, could I pick just the trees or just the water biomes? Could I pick all of them?
will the tier + atmosphere + profile combos be like the ones existing in the public universe, or can I get, say, t6 lush ?
I guess we could look at this as a good thing for the game overall…it protects a chunk of content that a lot of people enjoy. Exos are like mini-events that appear often…something newish to check out, explore, mine, gather, etc.
Depending on your view I guess. I’m on the opposite side. I don’t care for exos in all honesty. I’m the anti gate type of person.
The worlds have different amounts of biomes tier levels. As example - high tier world might have 4 high tier biome, 3 mid tier biome, 2 low tier biome. From my understanding, when we do the order of a private planet we will be able to select from the list the amount of each tier biome that the the world tier allows. That is if we don’t want to just let the random selection or the profiled design get used.
We should request sponsored exos. Pay the sov rental fee to ensure there is always 1 exo in the universe. You wouldn’t have ownership or control, but you would ensure there is always one there. Get 5 people to do it and we should have lots of lucents all the time.
According to the info they posted originally, there is suppose to be a near constant stream of Exos.
It’s fun when there are multiple ones at the same time.
Fully agreed. Exos are very much not my thing. I don’t have time to compete with everyone for the resources during the rare hour or two I might be able to be online while they’re up. Between weird work shifts and everything else going on in life I don’t have time to just farm for hours and hours like some.
is there a list of all the blocks that are spawned in each biome ?
would be terrible if I picked all my favourite biomes and later realize I got no sponge or mushrooms
and maybe a cross section picture for each biome to see what is going on underground cave-wise