We just need that!

Yabuuuu Yabu friends!
Lil Meee here again, i just made a lovely home at Munteen VII, took time thanks to my nasty flying neigbhurs :stuck_out_tongue:

So this time i just came to think on someting and then it said to myself, ohh we just need that!
So many of us making beautiful home such as furnitures, guys furnitures yes we need!
We so need not just furnitures, i think we need also some role more role actions like sit/ laugh and so on and most of all interractions with objects as sleeping on a bed, opening windows cooking fuctions. I would love to have a smallish cooking crafting and most of all fishing!! Think about the lovely aquariums we could use for our lovely fishes, ofcs you can cook and eat them but for some it would be nice for decorations.

We just need more role action options and housing stuffs for interract to.
throphies for hunting to put up on the wall or stuff them up for statues :smiley:


I support this, would be amazing to interact with different items, could even have tools when you interact with a crafting station you could actively boost in various ways.


In the world builder there are a few furniteres, I don’t remember them all but there were a chair and a table. So might already be planned

good news: furniture and trophies already planned!!

check this:

and very old:


Thats just so awesome!
More for our lovely world of Boundless :grin:


that would be awesome, we could have loads of interact-able furniture and other items that can be used for role-playing like being able to select to sit in a chair or to pull a book from a shelf and start reading it, in terms of actions that is and also the ability to interact with decorative props to do different actions would open up a whole lot of role-playing to the game which would be awesome!!!

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we need a bed that heals us to make it funny make us snore real loud hahaha


maybe also a toilet that makes you sit on it for some time to get rid off poison
could be with noise to (flushes when healed)


I don’t think every bodily function needs to be represented in game… this isn’t The Sims. Still, a place to rest would be great. Perhaps meditation mats that function as a way to regerate hp or instantly log off from home?


Well i wouldn’t mind see some small Yabo kids around by from mating someone :wink:

I was just talking with @reapa11 that I wanted to do a park and eating area and we need sitting on chair not ground… some furniture would be nice… it certainly would have made my Excalibur Courtyard in the-moebius’ new Therka extension better with all the seating I had instead of having to use old minecraft chairs.


I managed to sit on my throne.

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