What is going on?

I see where I failed to communicate clearly. I did not mean to imply that those people are still working on Boundless. Especially Leah, since she is an animation producer now. I meant to include both the company change and position changes in “People changing their publicly listed employer”, but I see that didn’t happen.


tenor (3)


there are no clear indications Boundless will be folded as a project any soon

should other people stop interacting with us, stop caring about us, and stop investing emotionally with us because there is no way to guarantee our presence the next day? (RIP Aenea)
value of things is not in their longevity and value of our efforts is not in their final results

if playing Boundless has value in itself than play it no matter what, overcome technical obstacles etc.
if you don’t see that value, then it doesn’t matter whether this game continues to be developed or not. cause you don’t really want to play it anyways


Perhaps a friendly Boundlesser out there will let you sign in on their console, then you can assign rights to the property to a new steam character?

I’ve heard the game will run on what I believe youngsters are calling “a potato” … but I could be wrong.


28 posts were merged into an existing topic: Computer Hardware & Peripherals

ghandy seems to be put off already
but I agree and my intention was just that - trying to point out that Boundless is worth playing and current difficulties and uncertainties don’t mean anything if you think about what Boundless offers as a game and experience (I mean people mostly); anything can be overcome when there is will and at the same time that will can be found when self-made worries and upset are put aside as not needed

I was saying all I said with full compassion for someone else’s circumstances (both outer and inner).


you know i used to play Loong Online Dragonblood the developers and administration let the game die but also the community is to blame for negative feedback.
overall they decided to keep the game online without any updates support or administration.
i played that game even knowing it was being neglected. besides that it was me who enjoyed the game and i did not stop playing it lasted 4 years without support until it was just gone.
but i enjoyed it! and so is boundless don’t forget people there’s always a better game on its way better than boundless? yes better than boundless and after that in 10 years time another game will take its place.
there’s not a game that wouldn’t ‘‘wear out’’ at some point or that you get bored of it.
just enjoy the things in game that you like doing and if you are bored of it move on but let others enjoy the game the way they like. and don’t complain about update this and update that, we have no clue what’s going on behind screens than just so called ‘‘rumors’’ is this because when you get bored you start to look for game flaws? or start to compare with other games? until you get a update again? how long does it last before you get bored again?
it doesn’t hurt to move on and come back later. the only problem i find is lack of communication from the development team, other than that everyone should just play and enjoy the things in game you like doing, give suggestions and feedback and if you are bored please leave but stop the crying and rumors


I hear you on the ‘new game’ thing … and I’m about to digress heavilly … but … I mean, I don’t understand why people play fortnite and overwatch when the perfectly functional (and brilliant) Unreal Tournament still exists and runs rings around both.

People literally follow fashions with so much in life that it does make me question the sheep nature of things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ikr, but then again: de gustibus non est disputandum.
Or: one man’s meat is another man’s poison.
In other words: every man to his tatse.
As yet other say: whatever rocks your boat.



I prefer: Leroy Jenkins!

(yeah I know it means something else … but just enjoy… an asteroid could hit us tomorrow.)


we are so off topic that I must ask: what is going on? :grin: :rofl:


All kinds of things!


How fever dreams sound :laughing:

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The good ones

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I want/do not want to know what Leroy Jenkins means, and when did people start saying “salty” after ye olde days of ginormous sailing ships again? I can usually get a quick handle on new lexicon from context, but the LJ thing eludes me.


Leroy Jenkins is actually quite old, it’s a famous quote from one of world of warcraft players back in 2005. You can easily find whole context on youtube.

As for salty, i think it reappeared somewhere at the peak of moba games boom…

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“Leeroy Jenkins” is something one might say before executing a task without regard to any sort of a plan. You just blindly leap forward and hope that everything goes well. :laughing:

(I didn’t want to link the video that the quote is from due to language, but this is generally what it means.)


My comment didn’t quite fit the thread context but I just meant is as jump in and enjoy the game and who cares about the plan or what comes from the Baldur’s stuff.

For the context of the jenkins comment definitely do as people say and just for some other context - some people took raiding very seriously and practiced a lot to make sure it went well. Of course it came out later it was just a joke video but still was legendary.


Has the update with the melee weapons been released? All the threads about it in the News section are closed for inactivity.
I’m still waiting/hoping for a nice and juicy furniture/blocks update with more stuff to use, so I come by from time to time, and that surprised me.