What is going on?

Here is the most recent update on the update.

I don’t think we’re expecting any furniture or decorations being snuck in, unfortunately. Maybe we’ll get stuff like that next time?

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Yeah… I’d expect all focus is on making the UI and experience of world creation as professional and easy as possible so that it is polished for end users. I know the UI was never an easy thing to play with in some ways so I’m sure it is one step at a time.


While the actual event it self was staged :stuck_out_tongue:


Yup! It was a fun little video they made to promote their guild that wound up being far more popular than they could have possibly expected. :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah, of course, never meant that I was expecting furniture with the melee weapons update.
I’ve just been holding my breath for them to release stuff I can build with for almost a year now. Because systems updates is pretty much all we’ve been getting, and Boundless has been getting stale (for me at least).

BTW, can we put the melee weapons in display on walls? I remember a long time ago, there was something about a new type of display block that (I think) was used in the Oortmas factory sanctum.

You can say that again, Blizzard even acknowledged Leeroy by having him in Hearthstone, and they got the guy who did the original voice of the video for the updated UBRS dungeon in Warlords of Draenor, where you resurrect him and help the paladin finally get his priest shoulders, after letting him eat some chicken.


That’s not actually a display block, unfortunately. One of the scripts that runs when that sanctum loads spawns in those items using cheaty entity spawning scripty stuff.

This is what you were referring to I think…



That’s it!


It’s still a really good and important feature.

I personally want quick swap tool mounts badly. I hate how many actions it takes to swap out a tool from storage.

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Been playing a lot of Satisfactory recently, and they added a shortcut like ALT+mousewheel to swap your toolbar with another preset, up to 10. So you can have a toolbar for your floors, one for your walls, one for machines…
Boundless should have that, plain and simple.


Boundless has that… up to 2… one tool bar in the left hand and one tool bar in the right hand…

using boundless logic we cant add more toolbars… they would have to add more arms

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That’s not remotely what I meant.
That things with adding more arms… the way you’re explaining it, it’s like your character is holding 8 things in each hand at all time. Does that make any more sense?

At the end of the day, in Boundless, you have one toolbar of 16 items, versus Satisfactory which gives you 10 toolbars or 10 items each.
In Boundless, unless you’re building with a small array of blocks, or you’re too often swapping things in your hands from your inventory.

But Wonderstruck could allow you to organize your ‘hands’ so that with your first setting, you’d have all your exploring/hunting weapons and grapples, in your second setting, all your tools, then the setting for your woods blocks, the setting for your stone blocks, the setting for your metal blocks, the setting for your flowers, etc etc. I’m just talking about convenience, here.


My bad, we need changeable diapers to hold different toolsets.


I wouldn’t be opposed to having more arms…


not for me … i use the lack of one to fertilise my soil!

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+1 organic fertilizer direct to your inventory twice a day

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Or what if we produced coprolite every time we ate food like NMS


“And I’ll just sit and grin
As the money just rolls right in”

I want to get rich selling my poo, now.


Poo farms
People farm earthyams then chug them to produce valuable organic fertilizer


you guys are gross