What turns you off playing Boundless?

Yea that sounds about right its just a pain at the higher levels when theres so much xp to get

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I think a lot of people get tunnel vision on leveling up before exploring. I enjoy exploring, but have to make sure my character can be largely unhindered, for example

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Nice! Is this is in the current live worlds or was this an old screen shot?

Current live worlds!

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Nice, you got location? That will be something that will come in handy for very very often!

Yup! It’s a work in progress, for now you can check it out via:

If you’re looking for colors/textures and what not theres a shop that has a museum for every (i think) block, refined, brick, wood, timber etc you can view. Even signs with the world its from. I go there all the time :grin:

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Being an Australian player, going to any tier 4, 5 or 6 planet is a constant struggle with Unplayable Connection. This is so frustrating and has led to many deaths. Easy fix, please release some higher tier planets for the Australian servers.


Not having settlement controls.

After working for a week straight to get capital city status, then to constantly have the city stripped of settlement status because someone decided to build a bridge from their settlement to ours.

Why should I sign on and rack my brain to figure out how to fix it… when its just going to happen again?

I’m sure I can find something more productive to do with my time, rather than play the “Work around the current settlement rules” game. Or the “Ask nicely and they may withdraw their plots” game. I shouldn’t have to.

I should be able to use a tool or click a button that tells the game that this plot is NOT part of this beacon.


I’ve been playing since the prerelease on PS4 and truly enjoy the game for the most part but there are a few things that turn me off;

  1. Lack of resources from players strip mining so the resources do not regenerate, I know this was slightly addressed in the last update but it’s still somewhat bugged to support a large player population.

  2. Finding a hot section on an Atlas and digging to the correct level only to find that Players have completely plotting around resources in SERP so other players can’t access them is frustrating to say the least. As resource availability is already limited, this senario potentially means that other players do not have access to those resources for at least 3 weeks when beaconed!; can we not have a rule that if that if a certain area does not achieve a certain amount of prestige or development that the plots are automatically returned to the player and he area is free for other player to utilize?

From my perspective this is driving the player driving economy into the ground, shops are running out and progress is more than tedious!

Please add more planets with resources or improve the regen metrics further.

  1. The amount of recipes are enormous. Having the recipes listed in the machines is Fantastic! Can this be added to the furnace interface as well? Another request is to add a selectable link from the resources of these recipes that will open the knowledge menu which has a cross reference for the other recipes that resource can be used in.

  2. To no surprise to you I’m sure; server lag. Game is still really great but waiting in front of portals for 15 mins or being trapped on a planet is no fun. Usually I can just use a different portal if there’s more than one unless the atmospheres are above my skill set.

  3. The mods spawned from meteor’s are very confusing. Sometimes level 2 mods are harder than level 3 on the same planet.

So anyone reading this please keep in mind this is just my personal opinions, I do really like the game.


I agree with this. 1, 2 and 4 are bothering me to the point that I’m about to uninstall. I have much better ways to spend my time. Like eating nails or rolling around in a pit of cacti. How in the world has this mess been in development since as early as 2015 and still having such large issues, ill never know. /flipstable

3 would be nice.

My biggest concern with mobs is being a miner and traveling to a planet higher than t2 to search for gems is awful. I die to everything. I die and then I respawn, and then I die from the same creature. Or I barely escape to die anyways at another creature that’s like 10 feet away. It’s gotten to the point that I just said “F-- it” and just play with a full time penalty. And my gosh the wasted food. Just “why?” :confused:

The recipes keep getting harder and harder. The economy is ruined. It’s all balanced around end game players and people who play 10 hours a day… I can’t and won’t put that much time into a game. Some of these recipes are just crazy. Even if it is labled an mmo. I play mmos all the time. WoW, FFXIV, GW2, Runescape. Nothing has been as tedious as this Imo. Usually with recipes like this, the items can be repaired and don’t have to be made often.(mainly referring to titanium and up)

This game causes me far more frustration than entertainment half the time. Once my ps4 playing friend gets his pc, we likely won’t touch this again unless we see a lot of changes made to it. Sorry for the venting added into this post. (Though I’ve felt this way for a while its not just the frustration talking, it’s my thoughts for the past 2 weeks.)


BUT, you can determine the orientation and keep placing them in that orientation. All you have to do is consistently apply the red “before” image of the placement square in the same place. For instance, if you place a block with the red square against a previously placed block, the orientation will always be the same.

IF you place one against the far wall, it changes. If you place it against the bottom, it changes. IF you keep placing the blocks against the same “edge” as before, they will always line up correctly.

Resources won’t return to those areas I thought given how the regeneration mechanic works. Those people are just wastin’ their time I thought.

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How many points in control or HP do you have?

If you are careful you can avoid most monsters, especially with like 3 points in control and 2-3 in HP.

I was farming on Serp at level 25 with 3 points in hp as a miner. I would walk slowly, if I saw something, I’d take the long way around. Only time I got killed was when I fell into lava by accident, and when I didn’t realize how long range some of the enemies were.

I’m not sayin’ it’s easy, but it’s doable.

Sleep…and work.

Both make it very hard for me to play this game.


I do want to share that the development team is very aware of this issue around settlement control. I talked with James personally on a call recently where he stated they have some ideas and are working toward them.

So while a solution isn’t here now and might not be in the near future they are trying to solve it as quickly as possible.


It appears they beaconed around the perimeter, it’s a massive area and goes from mantel to about altitude 30+ And very long. There’s access to the area that the used to distribute the plots and there’s so many exposed resources you get a great haul just having access to that. I’m assuming the inside is not plotted so there will be regeneration in the center.

Interesting. What I know is that if you mine an area a lot, it has fewer and fewer ore/gem regenerate, whether or not there’s a way to avoid that I dunno.

We need more T5 planets that’s for sure.

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I completely agree that we need more tier 5 planets, it would improve economy, help us noobs and casual players to advance and also some the advanced players focus on other things instead of supporting other players and hoarding resources

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I have 8/8 in my hp and 1 in both defense types. It doesn’t really help when health regen is almost nothing. I can’t craft up health bombs or I would. I’ve no idea how. I also don’t brew or cook. I wanted to spec in smithing, forging and mining stuff. My only options are to run and keep stuffing my face with basic meat or earthyams. If I do get hit once, I usually live. It’s the spitters and cuttletrunks. You can’t get away. It’s either kill them and get dangerously low hp and die in a few more fights or die running through a mine field hoping you get lucky.
Even with my friends as a group we still die repeatedly. It seems like they expect miners to walk on a hostile planet balanced for hunter builders.