Also the Twisted Dragon Hub we are always building things.
Yes it is a very beautiful place, you had to work hard to get there. I’m appreciative !
another thing is that there are cities and large castles built by 1 person, who has been very active for the past 2 years.
population:1 and only for a few hours a day
the more we play the emptier and more deserted the universe feels
the game needs NPCs. no player wants to chop wood in front of a hut 24/7 just to create the illusion of a living world for others. ain’t nobody got time for that, we are landlords, explorers and architects, not citizens
Forgive me, I spent part of my afternoon wandering around deserted cities on deserted planets and a great deal of anguish happened. So I came to the forum to read you and have some company and I only see articles on these sovereign planets and comments from players getting ready to leave … It’s chilling. I also admit that I got angry because I find it difficult to decide on the color of my windows! Ha ha !!!
Wouldn’t it be sweet if our alts were the NPC’s.
There is beacon fuel that lasts 16 weeks. So you only need to log in 4 times in a year to keep your place still built.
If I understand. There is a large community in this game that we cannot see. I see just a handful of players sharing the pie yet. It’s a shame, there are videos from a year or two ago that show the opposite or we see dozens of players going about their business in a big city. You will also tell me that it is an illusion. I share here my doubts as recommended in the subject of the article. I didn’t expect people to laugh at me.
who is laughing at you ? the emoji refers to the absurdity of the statement I made. I merely amused myself by it and dared to express that in this very modern manner
we are more spread out, we use shop scanner and butt to make shopping faster, therefore we wander less, and yes, there’s is very few people playing ( part of it is the pre-update blues when we can’t find the will to build and do things, because moving to a new planet is a possibility - which for most is not leaving or hiding, just relocating. think of it as the world getting bigger.)
NPCs would help to fill the ghost towns. some of these are passion projects and they are only getting larger and larger and ghostier and if there was a more complex system built around it, it could add things to do, making the game more interesting. every hut could have that wood chopping fella this way.
You can build with me it lonely on Houches or a turnoff new scenery houches is the planet lol it be Awesome to have Nieghbors
@apt chan can the NPCs be animals walking around my City lol
Something something posting feedback only something something no need to discuss something something something have a great weekend!
This thread is for players to post complaints/feedback that they have about the game.
Please start a new thread if there is a topic you’d like to discuss with others.
What turns me off boundless…that oortweed is not edible
The building of hype and then leaving us hanging like a Stephen King book over the weekend. Very frustrating. Now I don’t want to play at all until the update drops lol.
I didn’t know about that, thank you for info
Floating tops of trees wasting everybody’s plots
14 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic posts from “What turns you off playing Boundless” thread
Why i havent played boundless for a month or so again?
Theres honestly not much to do.
Every game obviously ends in some point… and i crossed that point like half year ago… ive been trying to keep the “flame” alive,but for nothing.
What bugs me the most atm.
-lack of things to do (ive tried everything… whats next?)
after every release i log in and see whats new… play the game like 2 days and ive alrdy done the “new stuff”
-lack of options to build small…
What i mean by this is that i cannot build small home cause of the powercoils etc… those take alot of space. I have to always plot so much space cause of the stuff ive gathered (thx for the containers… those are really helpful)
-no wow factor
Theres been many times when ive just took a second to appreciate some landscapes… trees and such. Now theres really nothing left… its mostly cause ive played the game long time and nothing rly wows me anymore
. New planets maybe
. Sovereign… who knows.
Lack of building mats
This maybe seem to be a bit odd to say,but for me its always been about nature and woodbuilding…
If we compare wood blocks to others… those obviously lack some blocks.
Refined and deco is there but then theres concrete… marble… marble borders.
You know… more options to choose from i think… sure thats good for some people, but i dont feel the same for woodbuilding.
There’s a roadmap? What really turns me off is this roadmap doesn’t exist in the eyes of the public since there’s no publicly posted roadmap on the forums. Its a lack of communication that’s been in existence for a while now.
To go on a tangent on what @SephirothWS said about the lack of roadmap, it turns me off that there’s A LOT of things the devs don’t tell us.
I’m sure they already know all about how we’ll create our worlds, what options we’ll have before world-generation (specifically for a creative world : biomes, weather, landscape?), roughly how expensive they’ll be… and they don’t tell us, no, they let us marinate for weeks.
Sovereign Worlds have been in testing for 2 months now. They should be released next week, or maybe in two weeks… we actually don’t know, might be 3 weeks or a month.
There’s a clear lack of transparency, at that will always be a big problem of Wonderstruck.
So for me some of the biggest turn offs have been around a level of tedious work with some things. For example Farming, which I love having the ability to do, however there are a few things that make it a lot less redeeming in my book. First being the planting time space. Even with a full Dex and the builders buff. It takes like have a second to plant in between the planting. Meaning if you are moving at all you easily skip spots. As well in this same book of one at a time issues. I wish there was an epic skill that let you plant 3x3 or at least like 3x1. Something else that would be an AMAZING epic skill would be auto replanting. So I have the skill and I hit the fully grow plant with a, make it totem or tiller focused, and if I get a seed back it replants on its own I don’t have to make sure its in the right place in my hotbar. Those would make planting a lot more likable and allow me to get to other fun parts of the game faster. Another thing with farming is the tillers. Why can’t you make AOE tillers that can harvest and till larger areas? I have been using cheap AOE axes for harvesting but it be nice to use something that wouldn’t damage the area should I miss. Lastly in farming, I know this is not going to happen but just saying, If there was a tool like a focus or something to help you see all the blocks effecting a crop so you could more easily understand the influences that be really awesome. Okay sorry… farming is something I really like doing on this game, but it also takes so much away from how I can play the rest of it. When I spend 1-3 hours on my fields and I only get 4-5 hours to play I don’t have much room for other things to enjoy. Next up on my this makes me angry/bored is building. This games biggest selling point for me is building cool and awesome builds. (note here I am not a good builder yet… I do more automating and farming but there is no and I mean NO automating in this game so I am trying to build) The small, and yes small, pet peeves I have with building is with full DEX and builder buff you place so fast you often over place like TONS of blocks. The very helpful placing blocks grid becomes a monster at this point. It would be helpful if there was a way to “lock it” so you can only place on or at certain points. It is also very frustrating when placing blocks with a facing on it and not knowing how your going to place it. Like I was placing down Deco wood and could not figure out how to get it to match up the way I was trying to. I ended up scrapping most of the build and redoing it cause I couldn’t get it to face the right ways. This also ties into chisels for me. I really wish there was a easy to see and understand so that I am not needing an unchisel or break and replace 1000 times to get it right. (note here honestly its a small thing for me but once again killed my mood and fun when it happened like 6 or more times quickly cause I couldn’t see the block I was hitting) Outside of that I enjoy the game a lot and even got my family into it a bit. Me and my mother love playing together. So all around love playing its just the tedium of the game tears a lot away from me wanting to enjoy it. That and having a feeling of being up in the air on some things like the Sovereign world and even some of the features put in. There is like no real patch notes when you log in and I have a hard time finding some information on things that I thought might be more wide spread… Anyways sorry for the rant.