And I’m here again! This is the initial exploration stage of machine parts and engines etc. There will be quite a lot of pieces so I’ve listed this as part 1.
I blame @claudiotolomei
And I’m here again! This is the initial exploration stage of machine parts and engines etc. There will be quite a lot of pieces so I’ve listed this as part 1.
I blame @claudiotolomei
Is good to share Amanda (code name Minyi)
Our player are full of great ideas and soon me and @jesshyland are going to model the chosen one.
Can’t wait for “part 2 - 3 - 4 and 5”
This is…1…of…5…
I just wet myself a little bit!
I’m guessing these are for the titans? Will we get to craft them as well?
This will (hopefully) be our Redstone
Only one of those will make it out of all of those shown? Damn!
So what is the purpose/function of this part 1 machine? From the chugga chugga it seems to signify an engine of some sort…
ah… just saw the word ‘Refine’ on the 2nd image… is this for refining raw materials such as Iron?
@ben is the designer here and I don’t really want to say any more for fear of accidentally contradicting exactly what is planned. I’m sure he’ll post details at some point.
Only the one that pass our designers. As Amanda said @ben will be able to reply you
My votes go to any of the "VRR"s or the “BZZZZ”
I’m going to choose to remain mysterious for now, I think machines require a more in-depth devlog post. I’ll try post something this week!
That gif is so me!^^
We expect leaks from you, not mystery.
Edit: Except mysterious leaks (and leeks). Those are ok!
Not to be mistaken for Leeks!
I love that you guys are going to have some machines in oort. These ones look very futuristic and sci-fi though. I feel as if that kinda violates the theme that you guys have been working on, but I can also see how it’s contrast might kinda work since it is a post civilization world. I dig the twisted wires on #5 for this reason. It looks like roots or something. If the machines could kinda reflect nature that would be cool.
But leeks are tasty
The lightsabers look great.
I love how they added sound effects next to them! BONG! BZZZZZ! VRRRR! CHUGGA CHUGGA!! and then i see a TOOT…
The sound effects are definitely my favourite thing @minyi puts into her concept Definintely think we should start doing it for creatures.