OK, Boundless School is a place where you can meet up with teachers, and learn something by doing it whilst the teacher leads you by the hand.
Pretty simple, really.
Step One - Ask For Help
This thread can be used to put a shout out to the world, to ask for help. Seriously, there’s tons of folks desparate to help you. Once one or two of them volunteer, they’ll then speak with you to arrange a time to meet.
This doesn’t discount you not asking elsewhere, just know that (eventually) I hope folks will use this as a jumping point for a lesson (for example) on lighting.
Step Two - Let Everyone Know You’re Hooked Up
Once you’ve agreed a time to meet, let the thread know when that is, where possible. It’s not a necessity, but it’d be nice because others might be available at the same time to learn, too!
Step One - DO IT!
You can meet at the school, and use some of the “unplotted classrooms” we’ll have available here. Or you can not meet here at all! Just naff off somewhere else and do it.
That’s it.
In terms of the future of the school, hopefully it won’t need to change much.
There will be some examples in situ at the school, and, over time, some portals to other schools, other places to learn, and other examples and stuff. Perhaps some open use machines? I dunno.
Boundless School is located at 1,825N, -174E, (Altitude: 65) on Sochaltin I, the following portal will get you there, but I hope it’ll have a dedicated one in a few places in the future, we’ll see.
239m West by the Entrance of Grandeur Hub
Pretty simple, going to build a building (but it might not get used much) in Grandeur to be:
Boundless School
This won’t be an overly complicated affair (because I’m dumb as pig ■■■■), but, essentially, it’ll be:
- A pool of volunteers with knowledge (or not)
- A load of newbies that don’t know a thing or two
Then we’ll just have folks run a short course as an introduction to a given subject, in an interactive fashion.
Like I say, I’m not going to over think this, if folks would like to learn something, they can post in the thread, then however many others that would like to join in, can. Everyone will just work out via a doodle or some ■■■■ when they can make it.
Not going to be getting out the spreadsheets on this one, folks.
Happy to think about additional stuff that can be done, though, to make this as open and available to others. Because it can be hard being new in this game.
The only thing I insist on is that students must be able to learn by doing stuff in this school. No parrot fashion BS, no “read this”, no homework.
Turn up … do the thing … get a * basic * idea of it … naff off. Job done. Bob’s your mother’s brother.
Here’s an image of the school that I’m going to base the build on. (it won’t be to scale).