I was farming some silty soil on Besevrona today and heard the meteor hit as normal. But I was unable to regenerate the soil because the meteorite was too close.
Unfortunately, since there was no exit door I couldn’t measure how far away it was. Although I did look out the window and it’s pretty far from the farm. I’ve attached a couple of screenshots in case it’s helpful.
yea the issue there is how big the meteor buff zone is in both screenshots i can see you got the buff and thats whats preventing the regen…i was worried this was going to happen 
I’m not really sure which buff you’re referring to, as all the buff icons in the screenshots are my normal buffs I think. I’ve got my 3 guild buffs and then the two others for teaching and mega fast.
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oh dang my bad i got your teaching pie buff mixed up with the mentor life one sorry
The exit door is directly behind your back on the first screen shot.
If you enter the portal there is a double wide door on the left side that leads up a small ramp.
in this case you could always go run to the meteorite, then return to the sanctum so that the meteorite would be abandoned which would reduce greatly the radius of the deactivated regen area to only cover the meteorite itself after a couple of minutes’ish.
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On Besverona, that’s not really an option for people using a protected regen farm. You probably wouldn’t even get close enough to the meteorite before being killed. 
- How many plots far is the “regen bomb disable” area?
- And how near to a plot can a meteorite land?
I would like to know how far out from the farm I have to plot to keep meteorites away from the farm.
meteorite active area is 45m radius (also a 45m radius from any meteorite portal that is open so may be more than that if the meteorite becomes further activated by a player nearby)
the regen bomb will be disabled if the regen bomb radius intersects the active area radius(es), so if the regen bomb has a 30m radius, then roughly speaking 75m from the meteorite.
the meteorites should not spawn roughly within 4 chunks (64m) of a beaconed plot.
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My question is why are you farming silty on a higher tier meteor planet to begin with? Not trying to be mean just wondering. People have tier 1 silty farms that take lesser tools and no protection. Was just confusing to me
Silty drops waxy earthyam on higher tiers, so if you have the tools and want the wax too, T5 is a good place to farm.
You get Raw Waxy Earthyams instead of Raw Earthyams.
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I tried to regen to the surface while mining, but meteor was too close. I can’t see it interfering all that often, but I hope a better workaround can be found. You can always get the meteor life and then kill the meteor by running away. Takes just a minute then you’re back to work.
Forgot about waxy. I never use them. So makes sense now
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Thanks for the info.
I assume portals open within the 4 chunk meteor range and not on beaconed plots? But probably nearer to beaconed plots then the meteorite itself?
Let’s ignore portals because they appear only after the meteorite gets activated and that means it should either get finished or killed rather soon. (You can trigger them without activating the meteorite but I would assume that doesn’t happen that often.)
Black is the farm, green is the meteorite protection area of the farm. If we beacon the 4 red plots, the meteorite protection area is shifted to the red border, which is 12 plots, or 6 chunks.

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how long does it take to reset the area? A meteor landed next to me and I completed it then broke it down completely and It still wont let me regen.
Did you try throwing it at the wall that is opposite of the meteor? That will some times get it far enough out of range to get it to work.
this was on a Exo so no I did not