Monumental Boundless news!

thats so true :smiley:

@james and @monty1, we should connect so I can make Boundlexx in a bit more of an official capacity. Data and colors drive the Boundless world, and I would love to volunteer my time to make as official of an API and developer tooling for the community to build the best tools they can.


Rejoice all you like people, but I mean look, after the way things went for the past 2 years, if not for the entire development of the game which has been paved with promises and grand aspirations, I think it’s perfectly normal for some of us to express doubt when we’re being promised so much … again!
So we’ll see. We’ll see how it goes.


Absolutely this. :+1: My own negativity before was related to worries of the servers at least being on borrowed time.

Now, I’m enough of a realist here to know that things don’t always work out. I saw a company take over another game I play just to hand it back like six months later when they couldn’t move the needle. BUT, they’re making it clear this is a long-term effort, which is a good thing for players and the game. They’ll at least give it a fair shake… Boundless has so much potential. At the same time, the market is brutal now and this is going to take a lot of effort on both the technical and marketing fronts. They’re doing the right thing by focusing on the NPE first, for sure.

My one unspoken concern so far is similar to Trudamere’s, on the monetization side. They’re a business, of course they want and need to make money off it. Boundless has a ton of potential there for fair monetization - I’ve pressed for more myself in various suggestions I’ve made (and I know it is a sensitive topic as there are a whole spectrum of opinions on what is fair). I’ve certainly shown myself willing to spend on it too! But there are a few things I might as well go ahead and put out there, since they’re showing they listen. No NFTs. I really can’t budge on this point, it is a matter of big principle for me. The other part is harder to define, going too far into the territory of randomized rewards for real world money. In a way you could argue that rental worlds are that already… though I’d say with those you always get the basics of what you pay for so while addictive, that’s ok. I suppose I’ll just speak my mind as the topic comes up later - please in advance take nothing personal, just happen to be dealing with someone here who was griping about loot boxes on GameFAQs before griping about those became the thing to do. :joy:


I do miss your optimism :wink:


Good to see “a positive news message” @james
Welcome @monty1 looking forward to seeing what you guys can do to this game I have loved since pre-alpha

One big wish though…I like to see my reclaim storage fixed. The moment I saw I lost almost everything the will to play dropped below zero. Unless we all start a new I would like my stuff back :slight_smile:


#HumbleBrag, bro!


Had to fix some typos :unamused: it seems I was the typo master that evening :sweat_smile:

15k hours more , ha! That’s easy :relieved: :smirk:
Fancy filling those hours with me together? @Goblinounours


I’ll make a come-back only once there’s an actual update out. We’re all rejoicing, but 249 still isn’t out, and might not be for a many months since Monumental still has to ‘build a team from scratch’ as @monty1 said.
I’m sure everybody here also knows that good ol’ expression about actions being louder than words, and all I’m seein’ so far are words. :wink:

I’m already seeing people throwing new crazy (dare I say unfeasable) suggestions like automation, skills, more body sliders… like, guys, calm dooown. Give Monty time to build a team and first assess the scope of what they can do. Monumental isn’t Microsoft/Sony/EA/Activision, and some of the stuff I’ve seen, none of them would bankroll that.
Like, trust me, I know a thing or two about crazy ideas :


:fist_right::fist_left: that I respect bro


Plus factor in creativerse and boundless low player bases. If this fails, it could be a business write off as well, if the game cannot be sustainable.

I.hope this will not be the case but its possible! But it’s possible this could be a final fantasy online reborn as well. Just need to be patient, 2023 will be a fun year for us!


A huge welcome to you and your team @monty1 :hugs:
I’m super excited for the future of Boundless, This is such fantastic news! :partying_face:


I can write words too.
Actions what matter.


There needs to be a “Beth’s Piggy” title for the most loyal of her hunters (you know, the ones that willingly sacrificed themselves to the lava at her command) :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m cautiously optimistic, but at the same time hoping this isn’t another case of a developer dropping support for a game and selling the bones to another developer so that they can pick through them to make a cash grab F2P game to add to their roster. I had hoped the news would be that they’d secured investment in the game from a third party, not that they’d just sold it off for someone else to deal with.

That being said, I am still hopeful that with fresh eyes on the game we can get things moving forward again and take the focus off what were in my opinion sunsetting features for the game, such as local universes.


YES! This :100:


This had already been looked at and if there aren’t assets already they were close at least due to the design chats that were had around this on my calls - or the ability. It was like anything else - time and money and the downstream impact of the change.

I do agree that people need to slow down though and be realistic. It appears many in the community are right back at doing what caused problems before with their expectations around how easily it is to do things. Just because the game has a new owner doesn’t change the inherent problems nor the game mechanic problems we have - new people don’t just “solve things with a snap of their fingers.” Whether it was James’ team or this new one the problems are still there and aren’t solved without time, effort, and money. Not to mention - likely a lot of design changes.

There is no guarantee that Boundless will be a game we enjoy or like in 2-3 years. Only time will tell especially since there are so many camps of people that want a building game versus a MMO versus whatever else people put on the table. I’m happy for the news of new support but certainly cautious until I see the mindset and approach of the team.


Yeah, I heard that automation had been thought about already, but by ‘unfeasable’, I meant more in the sense that such things aren’t coming any time soon, like there’s a ton of other things that need to happen before. Like you said, automation would be a BIG feature, AND it would need to mesh perfectly with other existing features.

The game Astroneer has Automation, and it’s incredibly janky because it doesn’t feel like the game was first designed with that in mind, so at the end of the day, either you have a giant setup that works well, or you keep doing things without automation because it’s stupidly hard to use.

Point is, for Automation to work in Boundless, everything would need a big overall. Maybe we’d need new machines… Like, I know we had new models for some work stations about close to being finished, but I would expect that we’d need something else completely different, like crafting stations with visible outputs? Conveyor belts? Or arms grabbing stuff from the ‘output’ inside a machine to put them on a conveyor belt? So many questions would have to be answered for this to work well, it’s mind-melting.

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It was tube kind of things but yes there were plans for a whole revamp of the machines to support that. The skills were first and then they were going to be able to go do that area. We shall just see what happens with fingers crossed that it is a direction we like for all of this…

Hey I mean, if we can like… automate plant harvesting and block mining in a plot, I’m all for that. ^^

But it’s not the thing I would want in Boundless as Priority #1.

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