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“kill 5000 birds” and you get one piece
“Kill 10000 birds” and you get another
“Kill 20000 birds” and you get the last one


more like unlock to craft


But would you then only be able to craft them with your hunter…

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no you need the crafting skill ofc.

I’ve never made a alt for a specifik job allways had a one man army, tho I know almost everyone does the alt thing.

EDIT: Maybe they will make it so you can craft it in the crafting table but that is highly unlikely I think.

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It should be like the explorer fist or the wayfarer totem, once you unlock it you should be able to craft it with any alt

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that defeats the purpose of it being tied to FEATS if that is there plan. But it might just be some new decoration items that everyone can craft

How does one craft the wayfarers totem? I keep meaning to ask someone but keep forgetting haha

You will need had bought the game in the Beta version of the game


Ahh right. Damn haha

you can make other players craft them for you. I’ll gladly come and make them if you have the items to make them

What is it?

I think its just in our blood nowadays.

The fact that we are forced to learn swedish even tough its like 3% of the population that speaks swedish as main language in finland.
Legit i know.

Also we are better in ice hockey. Thats for sure.

But origins of it is basically in history books. Just google it.

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Sure thing! :slight_smile: Reapers Tower of Power, Alder… 1800, 842 - in the basement of the tower. Easiest portals look to be Sasquatchville and his Georgio Oortmani shop in DK Mall.

Since I was there to grab the coords, had to kick back a bit with some Gleambow treats… :grin:


thanks :slight_smile:

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im trying out something “for size” :construction:


Nice build. Has the vibes of the old Boundless with those dim lights and yellow lanterns!

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Lets over-analyze the picture. Look into every pixel and try to find spoilers or extract info.


This looks like the beginnings of a couch?


scaffolding? blueprints?

custom furniture builder?