@OmniUno, thanks for the screenshot regarding the cloth and leather smart stack issue, I’ve added it to the bug database.
A little as opposed to too much iron in your blood? Although the item description doesn’t state what material the Locations Markers are made from.
It’s intentional. You may find it hard to fight creatures that you cannot otherwise see.
It’s a bit difficult to see it in the screenshot provided, but it’s a small text issue, so I’ll add it to the bug database.
We’ll take a look.
I can see in the screenshot that the Bone Collector III feat is completed but not turning green, so I’ll add this to the bug database.
I did managed to get this to occur once, so there is an issue here and it’s in the bug database.
You’ll find the name within Game Settings.
I’ve not been able to reproduce this, but you have screenshots as proof, so I’ll add these to the database regardless. Were you doing anything differently that may have caused this? For example, did you rush through the tutorial before the objectives had a chance to appear on screen?
It does look kind of weird that players have the option to change the character’s body type, only for the game to then change it back to the default model, so I’ll add a note to the database.
Did you see the following forum topic?
And this quote in particular?
That would explain why.
I think you’ve asked something like this in a previous topic, haven’t you?
Specifically this part:
The Intelligence Bonus only affects healing items rather than a character’s health bar.
Did you submit a crash dump for this (presumably your PC username is Admin as well)?
About the character model issue?
Can you provide some screenshots to further illustrate this?
Thanks for the confirmation.
Does that sound similar to this issue here?
As with @schasm’s issue, I’m having a hard time picturing this. If you can provide screenshots / videos showing this, that would be great.
Where are you getting the negative values from?
If you can provide coordinates I can check if it has anything to do with chunk borders.
Can you give further information on this? What kind of Cuttletrunk was it and what weapon were you using?
Did you find out it was a tutorial objective when you checked Journal → Objectives?
I can’t reproduce this, but this may be related to the other similar issues reported in this forum topic.
Looks like some of this is being discussed here:
Judging by the comments, this is subject to change.
Thanks for the videos. Both of these have been added to the bug database.
Thanks for the report, this has been added to the database.
I’ll add a note to the database.
Have they already checked out this forum topic?
Maybe that would help.
If your character has all the Light Source skills, then that would make the brew unnecessary.