Oort Temple Project
Welcome everyone! We - people of the Pixelgate city, people of Dragon’s Watch city, people of Therka Market city and people of the wild lands - decided to connect our forces and worship to our Gods who created 12 connected planets. With a blessing from an ancient race who left a great technology for our use, we rise that great temple together to honor our creators, and the Oort.
Our combined minds capable of claiming huge chunks of terrain allowed us to protect that temple from the Evil Regeneration Spirit and the Grieffing Devils.
Our goal
We want to create a place for people to rest relax, and find team before another adventure. Oort Temple is situated by the trading city Pixelgate, which support our people with iron for their sw… ekhm. slingbows, gems for grappling hooks and blocks for raising new settlements on dangerous planets.
We want it to become a center of boundless community before we expand to another lands and create a planetary pact. Our main goal is to create a huge portal hub in that location, which will contain portals to all 12 planets. We want it to be a place for medium and small player guilds who will create their castles around it.
Current Status
People of Boundless have already donated 410 plots to our project. We need 640 plots in total (64 vertical plots) to complete plotting our project.
and 1 death
R.I.P @Jiivita
41/64 vp
vp - vertical plot = 10 plots
1 vp - Xanotos
3 vp - ScorpionMissy
3 vp - Miige
1 vp - Mittekemuis
3 vp - Dzchan94
1 vp - PharaohNai
10 vp - Nibuls
2 vp - AnnieGYG
15 vp - Jiivita
1 vp - Dr8cK0
1 vp - Prime06
What we need?
How to support?
Contact me -@Karokendo- at forums, through the game, at discord
or contact @Dzchan94 or @Miige - they will inform me.
We need two forms of donations:
Plot donations
We accept donations in quantity of 10 or 20 or 30 and so on.
This is ‘current’ stage of our project. 41/64 vp plots
As you can see we need only 23 vertical plots to complete our plotting mission. 23 vertical plots - 230 plots in total. It’s like 10 plots from each of 23 people
Resources donations:
Munteen Twisted Trunks
White Metamorphic Rocks and Stones
Raw oort stones and portal conduits for future use.
You can always donate in our portal hub in Pixelgate We really really appreciate that.
Our localisation on Solum
You can find us at:
-200 1800
Planet: Solum (US east)
[details=Summary]and this is how it starts
lots of meat down here
Building zzzz…
fun time! newcomers are here!
it’s getting bigger!
Oort Temple Project.
Made by the whole community.