Things I would like to know

Ah wow. OK here’s some pretty direct thoughts. This was more typing than I expected.

My primary advice here (just me) is “don’t bother yourself about this”. However if you want the feats or just like the idea:

  • Build something expensive that requires maintenance and serves other people.
  • Run a good shop. This will definitely earn more than the footfall if you want coins not feats.

If you carefully craft a good hub out of several characters’ beacons, you might make enough to collect regularly? Not enough to maintain an attractive infrastructure.

It’s a fairly complex system in full detail. But mostly

  • Acquire Prestige
  • Get people to come visit
  • Encourage them to walk around
  • Collect a little Money

Personally address it:

  • Add more blocks.
  • Add more types of blocks
  • Add more shapes of blocks (chiseling)

Alternatively, connect to/with other people.

Everything here, except the crazy coin levels from gleam doors, is mostly still true:

TBF I eventually automated many of the mentioned tasks. Why suffer when “nobody else is”?

I’ve paid for block changing even with macros available :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re having the fun with a method you like, then just understand the average (ingredient) cost here is about 3.3 times the cost of a success. If the tool is worth the coin or effort to you then have your fun.

When I ran a solo guild I had every character slot occupied, and each character generated the maximum endeavour each week. If you’re playing many hours you just take a look at what’s sitting around and process it a bit. It takes longer to log 10 characters in and out than it does to start 3 or 4 mass crafts each. Especially if you pre-load the machines through the week and several of those characters literally never move.

Somebody’s spreadsheet I think :rofl:
On this I have no idea. I look at boundlexx to see what’s available. I rarely worry about what’s possible but unavailable. I did just buy my first planet though so who knows.