
It is a fact. The facts as they stand are that Turbulenz has been restructured into Larian Guildford and that Boundless is no longer being actively developed for (“maintenance mode”).

Fact 1: Every single post from Wonderstruck employees can be seen here on the forums.


Fact 2: There has been zero traction on the feature update 249 since March 14th:

Fact 3: Larian Studios now has a Guildford location:

Face 4: Here is a video where James says they are now running Larian Guildford

Or maybe you want third party confirmations:

Where was statement? Are you talking about the outdated post before Larian Guildford where Wonderstruck helped Larian get BG3 to EA? That was before Larian Guildford was formed. There has been zero news on the Boundless forums about the state of Wonderstuck and Boundless in regards to the acquisition fo the studio under Larian studios.

Let me clarify my statement as well: “maintenance mode” does not mean it is “on life support” or “in danger of being abandoned”, it means just that “maintenance”: fix major issues, support players, but zero new features. As long as the game is providing profit, it is not going anywhere. It also does not mean the game is unable to come out of maintenance mode. But you and many other players in the community going around and acting like release 249 is going to coming to live over night or something is sowing false hope for players. Release 249 may never come out. It may come out in 2 week or 2 months. But there is zero reason to believe it will come out without an official statement regrading the state of Wonderstruck/Turbulenz in regrads to Larian and the state of Boundless.

Also, I will admit part of me is hoping this post is enough for force the devs to drop 249 just to prove me wrong


To Angelllus’ point, the game can certainly come out of maintenance mode at any time but there is zero reason to believe this is going to happen any time soon unless we get some official word from @james on this.

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Like I said opinionated it is not factual until they state it ect ect so both of the parties here as in @Rydralain @Dhusk mainly are working on opinions base on some facts but has yet to prove their cases to be factual

@Angellus while there was no official statement on the forums I was told by James that there was work being done in an effort to get 249 from Test to Live …

I know this doesn’t express a when… but it does express efforts to make it happen.

I can’t say I see any facts as far as a maintenance mode goes, I do see facts as to companies, structures and priorities changing … as you stated @Angellus but speculating on the games future without any official word from anyone is just that… speculation.

This was posted immediately after the announcement that Turbulenz became Larian Guildford:

I don’t remember a survey on that specifically, but the closest surveys to asking about that had much lower numbers on that side of things, and certainly nothing approaching a consensus.

If you can’t tell the difference between the factual evidence you provided and the opinion of what those facts mean, I don’t think I have anything else to say to you on this subject.

I do think that development has scaled back, and my opinion on the subject is that Boundless has been downgraded to “hobby side project” for a handful of devs. There have been basically no dev posts during business hours since the Larian announcement. I would bet you can use James’ post times to see when he’s working late/what days he gets off early at Larian, but that is all conjecture and opinion.

As I previously said :


I’m really terrible at communicating it. Like. Horrifically bad. But this is what I have been desperately trying to say for a very long time.

@Rydralain and @Angellus

Just play the game or don’t it’s pretty much that simple. If you enjoy it… great if you don’t move on.

I like all the input you both give and enjoy a healthy discussion, but there are only so many times you can go back and forth on this to where the conversation just becomes unproductive. You both have valid points, you both have different points of view … but really it just boils down to if you have fun play the game… if you don’t and just don’t have your heart in it… don’t play.

Maintenance mode… life support … whatever … I love the game and I make it fun … just wish there were more people to make fun with :slight_smile:


The important thing is that neither side is fully right or wrong. Both sides have good points. I’m on the wrongly-named “Doomsayer” side, and we have concrete evidence that show we’re not wrong. But they are not enough to claim the game is abandonned or in Maintenance Mode, or anything to the other side.

Remind me who created this very thread? Yeah, it was you. Don’t tell me you weren’t expecting it to go this way when you opened by calling us “Doomsayers” and such…


That is a fine opinion to have, but anyone that produces a product that people pay for needs to have critical analysis of “how it is going”. On both sides.

I do not really really play the game any more. Just log in to get Exoworld scans. but I keep paying for my GC and Sovereigns because I want to see the game do well. That does not mean I need to agree with the everything that goes on in the community and not be critical of the mistakes I see.

The lack of a predictable communication about the state of the game is first and foremost the largest issue with this game based on all of my experience with all of the other games I have played. Which ones have done well, which ones felt “good” to play, which ones felt bad, etc.

The perpetual indeterminate future of this game is the biggest thing that drives off players. I have been around since the game first hit Stream, right after the name change from Oort Online. That is easily the biggest thing I have seen drive players away. I am not saying the community communication like Bungie does for Destiny. Or Rare does for Sea of Thieves, but it needs to be predictable to solve the uncertain future issue. That fact there has not been an official statement about the game in regards to Larian Guildford is a big issue.

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Back in 2015/2016 I supported this game prior to the Steam Release. Back in those days, we were told if we paid $250 USD that we would receive the following features.
Items in the green box were received, Items in the Red Box are not received.

What about the Lance?
What about the Titans?
What about the Craftable armor?
What about the Digital Art book for early access supporters?
What about the Developers world access for early access supporters?
What about the Cave dwelling nightmarish creature?
What about the Ground pounders and rock tossing creatures?

I am still waiting for those features :slight_smile:


Fastest way for a nice, healthy thread to go rotten… @Dhusk posting.

Why are you here bro? You keep repeating that the game is dead yet you’re hanging around its supposed corpse like a vulture.

You must love the game even more than I do if you can’t stop obsessing about it. Like a petty ex pretending you’ve moved on. You bring the mood down with every post.

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This was just maintenance to fix a problem, much like the many I bought the wrong fuel or I can’t warp to my world.

Definitely not a wooohoooo the games saved and we will get a patch soon moment.

Alternative consideration: if James has the time to do these, respond to problems and post solutions on the forums, surely a 1min post saying hi we are still here and working away could be done.

Somewhat feels like the lack of updates is intentional

Edit: best go grab some popcorn for this thread. To Summarise the next 50 posts.

Rydal and the positives: woot the games fine and the devs are here to stay
Me and a lot of other more pessimistic: hahaha u really think that? Based on what, a bug fix?

Because I WANT the game to succeed despite what you might think. My posting is born out of anger that @james can’t even be bothered to make a quick state of the game post and answer a few basic questions. The numbers continue to decline every single day:



Mind you 107 for the last month is better than 40 other months … on that same list…

My intent here was to simply state that we had some activity… which is better than nothing at all. I will remain positive regardless on the game … and it’s future. I for one do not require an update to make it fun, I do however think original backers should get what they were promised at a minimum.

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It’s not fair to use any data before full release in September 2018, so I think it’s only 1 month under 100, and that looks like a data anomaly.

The hope in that chart is that the decline isn’t sustained, so there may be hope for player numbers remaining steady in the coming months, but that remains to be seen.

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Just another topic same old, same old.

I mean I guess I feel you, so sorry for coming at you like that. I just don’t think voicing our disappointment will so much to make the devs more productive.

I think about James, having created the game that was likely his greatest dream of his life, trying to hang onto it the best he can so that it doesn’t end up dying, and I bet 9/10 @ mentions he gets are talking about how he doesn’t care.

Hurts my heart. And if I were him I’d probably hate the game and most of us by now.


I would agree with that @Dhusk. Criticism is great, but I would say you should not be specifically targeting James or any of the other devs. I always go out of my way to not mention Wonderstruck employees unless it is something new that they really should see. Everyone wants to see the game get better, but attacking the devs and mentioning them in every post just encourages them to not want to care.

(also, this is not me attacking you or even telling you to stop. Just saying you should be more mindful of your criticism and remember the devs are people and we want them to want to communicate and interact with us)


Here’s a argument to those who complain about buying a game and being owed something. When u buy a game u buy it for what it is and if u don’t like it. it is in the words of Star Wars darth bane “it’s ur own kriffing fault”

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