Should be able to use compact oortstone once if the update happens someday.
To be completely honest, they should have separated the gameplay updates from the multiverse update as soon as they realised it’s going to take longer. Holding back on ALL updates for over half a year now just because the multiverse update is stuck, is just an epic fail on all fronts. Not sure if I should laugh or cry because it’s so ridiculous…
After putting in well over 2k hours into the game (Pre-steam and Steam) I no longer have that drive to do anything in game. Being primarily a PvE/Action/Gatherer style player, building to me is a chore that I loathe. While the beacon reclaim system was a HUGE positive for me in returning after the duskmoor blowout.
After getting a t6 planet farming hub up with the gems I wanted. Its no longer fun in going out and digging holes. Get a 3x3 hammer, Speed brew, persisting pie and smash away. Since the exo release, due to the timezone difference, I have yet to get onto an exo where it has not been strip mined or just blown to smithereens. The new patch will potentially bring me back, but not on the MMO side. Being a miner who does not get much in terms of lucent gems, this is the number one reason why I really have not returned. Progress has halted and getting more frustrated at wasting resources farming for scrapes
I don’t enjoy it. The chaos of the mobs just running around along with the players, healing them with bombs I find it difficult. Tosses a healing bomb and player runs away from it There is also not much of a variety to the meteors. Final wave boss would be awesome!
Lack of actual quests. I gather and sell my goods. It would be nice to have a way to go out and find those shops needing the goods. Have a way for the shop buyer state why they need these goods, read and accept quest. Then once the quest criteria is met, then have it state go back to this planet and this shop. Once on the planet it automatically guides you back to the request basket. We the players create the landscape, the buildings, the networks. Lets expand on that to forge our own story’s.
Lack of PvE content:
We have meteors and mobs. Player created dungeons with reward chests would be nice. Again, power to the players but within the limitations of the universe. We could use some new mobs, new events, and rare spawns as well. Website states floating fortresses but so far there is no word on its ETA.
Let us chose where the sovereign planet will spawn, even if we have to wait. Create a que system that will hold our payment until the request can be fulfilled, I didn’t enjoy spending nearly $280 to create an 8 planet hub system with nearly 20+ wasted planets. This was the biggest issue for me which prevents me from returning.
Missing Backer rewards:
Unable to find the digital Art book pdf that was promised
Unable to find the craftable armor that was promised
No access to the developer world (Or is this only for pre-launch)
I’ve spent a few dollars on this game, so If I am coming across as highly critical…there is a reason for it. $250 spent before the game even released,$280 or so just on Sov’s, gleamclub, and exchange shop purchases. I enjoy this game but I feel I am invested into nothing.
To clarify, I don’t just mean “release the update!”
Any news from the dev team at this point would be satisfying.
If I have anything to complain about, it would be the game trailer.
I was expecting the game to look like this. It wasn’t until after having been playing it for a while that these were the character models from EA and that the gameplay/planetary footage was from EA planets.
I felt this was honestly misleading.
I still love the game. But I felt that I was initially tricked.
Since my post was closed I am posting this here.
My thoughts on Boundless and the open-endedness of sandboxes is the game is what you make it. Sandboxes allow you to do anything and everything you want (confined only to the game.limits).
Any game over time can become stale when you play it for years and have reached the endgame or it becomes a grind. It is sadly the nature of gaming. You can however take a new approach to the game and/or start over from scratch or many other ideas to keep the game fun if it has become boring for you.
With that said, is Boundless boring to you, if so why?
Do you feel a content update would solve this? If so for how long?
What do you do to keep the game interesting?
What could make the game more appealing for you and bring you back playing and or/keep you playing?
Try and keep it to constructive criticism please.
What turns you off playing Boundless?
nothing game related really,my turndown is based on the community breaking the game, I knew what to expect from the game, and we got changes that improved the game dramatically when it comes to portal fueling or the grind when I take myself for example and running a hub and fueling a crazy amount of portals is my choice, the game never forced me to start a project that is most likely hard to handle single-handed, being a solo player I do have things in my own hand without being disappointed in others, anyone is always free to join me
but overall I’m not bored I enjoy the game fully still! am I the only one that has near 9000 hours and still enjoy the game?
Personally, I gave my answers in these two threads : [CRAZY IDEA] Bunch of Gob's Gameplay suggestions & [CRAZY IDEAS] Bunch of Gob's Building suggestions
Just the things in the building thread would change everything about how I look at the game.
But the Holy Grail, I think, the ONE THING that will allow a game to live on for many years to come, is the ability to mod the game with player-made new items / weapons / blocks.
That will never happen in the Live Boundless Universe simply because of PSN.
The only way something somewhat similar can be achieved the way the game currently is operated, is through the contests to have player-designed props/blocks re-made by devs for the game. If that could happen on a regular basis (like even once a year), that would change things.
Many years ago, I remember the people from Creativerse had a Block Madness event on Twitter where they made us vote by brackets for the type of block we wanted in every shapes (since CV doesn’t have chisels, every block doesn’t have a stair or slab shape).
From what I saw, people were really excited for it, there was actual team pride. I was Team Adobe Bricks myself. It was fun.
Imagine if Wonderstruck actually made their community vote on what they prioritize next.
How crazy would that be?
I played Creativerse …was part of the voting process and have played since Beta… while a great game I can pick it apart much like many pick Boundless apart. It stats in comparison to Boundless continue to go down … player base has dwindled in the same fashion.
This has been my statement from the start of all these comparisons. Creativerse just had the “Yeehaw Update” if I recall but yet with a new update, communication from the Devs… that player base is still dropping.
I would love some of the stuff Creativerse has done in Boundless.
Sadly comparing the two is pretty hard.
Well Creativerse has different issues that Boundless. Doesn’t mean the regular content updates and communication aren’t helping at all and that it would work out the same way without it, and certainly doesn’t work as an argument to say that Boundless can go further without either. It’s what Boundless has to fi. CV has other issues.
In essence, fixing CV is harder than fixing BL. CV isn’t an MMO, there is no player-made economy and such. It’s horribly optimized, so the framerate always seems somewhat low, especially on servers where there’s been too many players and big builds.
And yes, the two are very different. I never tried to say that CV was better than BL. If I thought so, I wouldn’t be fighting so hard around here fro BL to be better, and I’d be playing CV instead.
At the end of the day, all we can hope for is a game that has the best of all the building games. I hope Hytale can be that, but we’ll see.
Friendly reminder that this is not a general discussion thread for what you like about the game. Please read the OP. Off topic posts may be moved. Please create a new thread/post to start a new discussion.
To be fair, you did close Red’s other thread where we would have had this discussion…
It wasn’t Red’s thread. -Correction, it was. (Apologies, I was thinking of Qube’s thread).
Fair enough
All good Ill leave the discussion as it is.
Simply put, for me I have fun with Boundless as is. What turns me off about it is people leaving and the community taking a hit because of it.
I would love to see more updates, the community grow, players stick around, devs communicate more but in the end the thing that turns me off the most is the lack of marketing and advertising and well the negativity towards the game.
While some of the flack the game gets is deserved and should be heard … overall the game is great. Apparently it WAS for the people on this forum.
Now if SOMEONE would take care of Gyosha Mall as much as the forums… oh Im so kidding… much love!
When game developers no longer communicate, show no more interest in their product and when you get the impression that the developers only want to squeeze out the last drop of money and then let the game die. - So exactly what is happening at Boundless right now, in my opinion.
That’s the trailer that drew me in to buy it, I was pretty thrilled after that. What happened with Duskmoor & PxR was effing bizzarre and needlessly compounded but it wasn’t the dev’s fault afaik. I’m experiencing a little town with people in it tho asone of my alts; may that liveliness last. <3
(shh… 10k+)