Georgegroeg's Dream Roadmap!



Nah, it’s just that I always say I’m patiently waiting for a big furniture update. That’s all. :sweat_smile:


What kind of furniture would you like added?

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Functional furniture.

-I want oorty dolls and oortians to sit in chairs.
-Place food and brews on tables.
-Armor mannequins to put our fantasy armor on to show off.
-Weapon racks to hold bows, fists and fantasy shield/Lances.
-Display cases we can put mythical crafts/atlases/or other items in.
-Spot lights for displays.
-Pictures that can be used to show screen captures of in game snapshots.
-Musical instruments you can play for AOE buffs so taverns can be a thing.
-Flags and tapestries to put on walls
-Shoes and pants I can throw on the ground after a long day of mining
-Streamers for parties
-Cups/barrels that pour liquid brews so that people can go to a tavern put in some coin and get 2 hour buffs for good coin to tavern owner.
-Books you can write in to create lore and stories for intriguing and more in depth builds. Like lost temples or crashed ships.
-Bookcases you can store writable books in
-Signs that can store more letters.
-Rotating gears and belts to mimic factories or dungeon/gates
-Pipes for transferring liquids for aesthetics but also function, transporting water/petrol/resin.
-Modular tables so you can make unique table shapes like U, T, or long tables for castles and viking houses
-wall lights/hanging lights with adjustable glow
-brasiers for castles


I know you did not ask me. .but

Beds (in metal, stone, wood and gleam)
Chairs you can sit in and that come in more than just wood
Tables that come in materials other than wood
Display cabinets (In metal, wood, stone and gleam)
Player created pictures


• Bed (wood / stone / metal / gleam) (possibly could give a health regen buff as long as you’re in your home beacon)
• Reworked chairs + tables (wood / stone / metal / gleam) (the current ones are miserable)
• Wall decorations (Banners, canopies…)
• Ceiling decorations (chandelier)
• Modulable bookcases
• Creature-themed totems
• Props (plates with food, bottles, scrolls, books, rugs…)
• Chains / Ropes (which could work like beams?)
• The stickers!
• Ladders

Most of these have been teased years ago, and I’m saliving day after day over the prospect of them being added. And day after day, I sob at the thought that we have no new info on the progress on these. :sob:


Wowzers i see the love and passion for furniture there. Ofcourse with the lattice chisel option beams and poles can make alot furniture like designs. I would say one thing that having furniture pieces in an item form would be ways we could interact with them like sitting down. Like multi-block deco glass to have tables form together to make bigger long tables?


Furniture would be nice! also how about some "NPC"s that would just being doing stuff in the plotted town its in…could be sweeping the floors, or something…Just to give a little flavor…of course we need Oortian versions of dogs and cats to “just hang out and wander” a plot it is spawned in. Not sure what recipe would be or if it would be something from the game store, but would be nice


Here’s a few for the list.
I always thought some glass doors would be nice.
Pocket doors as well.
And a combo gleam/metal sign that would look futuristic.
Picture frames. Even if it had preset images in them like James getting me in a headlock.
A bed would be cool too.

That being said. There is a lot of furniture that can be created with existing items.


If possible, I would like the following outdoor decorations:
Plastic Pink Flamingos (1 or 2 leg options)
Janky folding lawn chairs
Half and fully inflated kiddie pools, ocean life theme
A rusty engine block
A broken down lawnmower covered in weeds.

Thank you!

Edit: This could be labeled the “Boundless Trailer”



And @Leahlemoncakes , you really like the AC: New Horizons designer too huh? How about when WS implements stickers to be put on blocks we can have something similar? An outside website where we can create and design our own stickers which we can then use in-game? This would be utterly fantastic! Especially if they have transparency as well of course, imagine the little details we can add, no need for more fancy chisels I keep asking about (tho I still would love a lattice chisel variant where we can move the centre part to a side…). Ahhhhhh


I would love it if they added emojis and unicode images to any and all signs. Get us more sign types, including a picture frame.

Then next step they add all the knowledge screen images as a possibility to signs.

And for the love of everything oortian, change the length of sign text!

Also would love it if we could format parts of a sign, 1 sign, 1 text with parts bold, parts italics, parts bigger or smaller.

And finally add stickers with above mentioned sticker designer website to signs and we can make our own pictures too!

Ahhhh, imagine if the team was 10 times it’s size and they implemented all this that is mentioned in this thread in the coming year…

I could go happily then!


We may or may not be getting a handy Roadrunner version of this alongside the Funny Bunny Oorty for the surprise Oortster Funday event dropping Soon™. :rabbit:

Fake Details

Oortster Funday Shroom Hunt!

Random coloured Glow Cap fungi appear for a limited time within appropriate biomes on ALL planets. Harvesting any Glow Cap Fungi during the event provide the player with a new crafting material: ‘Chocolate Lamella Chip’ (alongside their usual drops.) These can be used to craft the new decorations or consumed for a small XP bonus. :rainbow: :hatching_chick:




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So a lot of people want furniture. I can’t actually give furniture but here’s the next best thing.


You should start a :boundless: Furniture Walmart for this stuff :+1::grinning:

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Yeah it’s pretty much the antiques road show happening over here. But some decent ideas for filling some builds.

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@georgegroeg You can also chisel the wood and use gleam signs for alternative glass tables and pantries. Here’s a small kitchen I have in my build.


Hopefully, actual cool new furniture tables could allow us to put stuff on them. ^^
The best would be for them to be modulable (like signs) so we can make various sizes of tables.