Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

Why would they change? those are already placed blocks.

Its like if you used exo colors but once yo step on your rental world all your exo colors turn into world palette.

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If the blocks are coded directly with a color then they will not change. If they are coded as using a planets palette, then the change in the palette would change the color. This is how the colors work for regen. Maybe a placed block has to hold a color?


If 100 planets get rented and every color pops up then so be it, but at least it was random and based on the algorithm. The point I’m trying to make is that I don’t want people to be able to just outright choose the color palette. If it’s a color that’s spawned and now everyone can choose it? Fine. It was random and fair. But I don’t want someone to just be able to pay a flat price to spawn a planet with every single block being new. The randomness is whats important. The fact that it could be a couple months before every single color is in the game. This will definitely bring more colors to us and the economy but it’s economy breaking specifically when someone can just rent multiple rental planets and just choose every single new color. The randomness makes it take longer and gives us a slower roll out of new colors. I don’t MIND getting all the colors. I only take issue with people choosing the new colors from the get go. I like that it’s random and can take a few planet spawns before a certain color pops up.

But plenty of people who do have those for instance. Perhaps make the initial warp point, for when a new player goes to their first planet from sanctum, a location that can not be deleted, ever?

Also can you not warp to a planet without a location with this update? So all they need to have is tracking a planet. Then an alternative idea is to always keep the initial planet in the Worlds tab and do not allow them to delete it?

Because I really would like to be able to warp to my actual home for free! :slight_smile:

I based my thinking on this:

that sounds like getting a palette available for regular worlds, which may result in new colors, but not exo-exclusive colors

that’s the next step, when you are not happy with the random palette of your world, and you want to change some of the colors - you are restricted to colors existing in the universe then (excluding exo world colors)

And this is where we disagree. If it is going to happen anyway, then what is the difference if it happens now or later. All you do by making it take time is anger players that rented a planet and wanted a color that was not there and then it appears a few days weeks or months later. Or they just sit and wait until the colors do spawn and in the interim, just sit out the game which does nothing for the player count or the economy.


Blocks have a colour number associated with them, 1 to 255, I am assuming you know this already. But there’s also colour #0 which tells the game to use the current planet’s palette colour for that particular item. So those blocks have no actual colour number associated with them, when they move off world they will get the colour number associated (at least that is how I am assuming it works). So off world builds will not be affected.

But the builds using blocks from the planet itself then those can change colour too.

If blocks get their actual colour number assigned after grabbing them into your own inventory (is the alternative method that I can think off) then the blocks in your build on that planet will also not change!

I don’t see this as a problem really! Because you won’t do this lightly when a gazillion people have plotted on your world already, and if there aren’t that many you can warn them upfront you’re gonna do it…

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OK this makes sense to me

Same problem as when the real world is down. We should just have the ability to place a new landing zone from sanctum in these cases.

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It’s also how the game can determine prestige, it uses a higher prestige number if the block is from a colour not on the world you’re placing it on (ie. it’s not 0 so it’s from another planet)…

But am not 100% sure when the game assigns the actual colour number, it makes sense they have to before (or during) you take it to another planet otherwise it would lose it’s colour and we know that’s not the case (losing colour)…

Together with this my understanding of the system is this:

  1. When the world is created for you, blocks colors are chosen from a random palette available for regular worlds (just the way our regular public worlds were created). Since each palette covers quite a lot of colors, it may result in getting colors that don’t exist in the current universe (for example, you could get the same palette as Boori, but the colors might be different, or they might be the same but applied to different blocks, so let’s say warm red could be the color of sand instead of sedimentary rock). Still, available palettes don’t cover all 255 colors, so some colors will remain exclusive to exo-worlds.
  2. You can customize the initial palette, by changing colors of blocks. However your limitation here is, that you cannot pick any colors from the existing palettes, but only colors that already exist in the universe (public regular worlds and already created public sovereign worlds).

This is how I understand it.
I might be wrong!


The difference is the fairness to those who aren’t paying for rentals and the preservation of some color rarity. Again I know we disagree on color rarity as a whole but my personal opinion is that color rarity is a good thing so I’d want to preserve it in any way possible. I feel that people choosing exactly the palette they want from the get go is the entire issue. Once they’ve spawned randomly and according to the algorithm then yes absolutely have free reign of the color. Make 10 planets with black gleam it’s totally okay. The issue is CHOOSING black gleam from the start without having that color already available to the public. Once it’s spawned it’s free game but before that I feel people shouldn’t get the choice, specifically to preserve some sense of color rarity even if for a short while.

Just my opinions though I know we have vastly different opinions on color rarity but that’s just how I see things here

Well thankfully the devs have decided to not do the thing you dislike, so all is well!


The colours are selected as part of the world generation.

Nope. That control is for setting permissions when you’re on the world.
Currently the public world your private world orbits will be selected automatically.

Currently plots are shared between public and private worlds.

Open to feedback about this.

As configured once a colour is available on a private or public world then it can be selected by others.


I think private worlds should still use plots, otherwise people will all move to their giant private world castles


Late to the party here, but so, so excited!! :star_struck: Can’t wait! Thank you so much devs, you all rock!! :+1:

Thank you to all you who are testing too, will try to share as much as possible and very grateful to see what you all are doing as always!! :slight_smile: (Won’t be able to test myself since I won’t be back on the PC I play on until Monday, PS4 til then)


This is where we need clarification.

I was able to open my world control once, and while I was hovering meta rock colors it got bugged. Now I can’t open it anymore it’s on loading

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If you restart the client?

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I’ll try now

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