
Not sure if I used the right category for this… is a world a creation?

Anyway - I just made my sovereign planet Melancholia public. I haven’t graduated to portals yet. So, if you see it floating around, feel free to visit, mine, settle, and build. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s an inhospitable T4 lush world. It orbits Delta Cancret. It’s a huge planet with a total of two citizens (four if you count our crafting alts). Once I figure out how portals work, I’ll try to get one somewhere.

I’ve purchased at least a year of fuel for the planet, but I haven’t yet put all the fuel in. My plan is to keep it up indefinitely. I’ll add some screenshots of The Asylum (one of two completed buildings on the planet) when I figure out how to get them off of my PS4.

EDIT: I’ve transferred the name Melancholia to a smaller planet (I sort of jumped the gun with the original one). My main base on the new Melancholia is Nezhvlad Labs. Other than that, most of the biomes are the same and the colors are the same. Feel free to check it out! Still no screenshots, but I am working on it!!

Edit 2: The portal is located in the Circarpous TNT megahub.


Your ad looks appetizing -

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For photos, there is a way to transfer them to a smartphone through one of the PS4 applications.

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Hopefully your planet isn’t planning on crashing into any other planets…


Thanks. I’ll have to take a look tonight after work. It would be nice to add some screen shots. In all honesty, I really need to finish exploring the whole planet. Some shots of my progress would be perfect to put up.


Lars Von Trier… Excellent :joy::+1:


@Rydralain I am more worried about moons crashing into it.

EDIT: Sigh… I need to watch the movie again. My response didn’t make much sense. :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:


It’s a very pretty name and I am a fan of this director so for me it’s a given. I’m charme :blossom:


I loved the movie, but I named the planet after the mental condition. I thought it fit with the old style asylum I planned to build. It was between that and Haunt. When I was playing around with names, I rediscovered the movie and that cinched it for me.


I’m pretty sure the movie is more about the mental condition than it is about planetary collisions, so double fitting, I think.


Very true! I think I am going to re-watch it tonight.


Two ways you can do this. One is if you have a twitter linked to your ps4 you can share it to twitter and save it from there. The other way is to send it via psn message and save it from that chat.

Also if you change your image format from JPEG to PNG you will have slightly better quality screenshots


Thanks, @Venom. I will see what I can do. I can’t even remember if I have a twitter account, but it’s easy enough to make. That might be the best option.

@Nezhno I took some pictures for you:


Twitter is the way to go for PS4 IMO. :slight_smile: Be sure to follow @playboundless there if you do too! :wink: A lot of us here post pics to Twitter too. :smiley:


@XxymoxX OMG! That’s so kind of you to do. Thank you!!!

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@bucfanpaka, @XxymoxX just took some screenshots and posted them. Super awesome thing to do! I want to get some of my asylum building, which I will have to use the PS4 Twitter thing to do. I’ll be sure to follow Boundless as well.

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Give me Coords for it and I can take some. I got those pics by only finding about 10 areas.

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That second pic is pretty close to the capital build. Very photogenic world.


@XxymoxX I’m at work. Otherwise, I would totally get them for you. Thanks so much for the offer, though. This community almost always makes me happy.

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