[Houchus I] --[T6 - Fierce Chill Homeworld]--[Capital - Cookie Kingdom]

Name : Houchus I
Type : Chill
Tier : 6
Atmosphere : Potent Lvl 5
Appeared : November 17, 2018 10:42 AM
Server : US East

Blocks Color

: Block Found on the World

- Gleam - 228 White -

- Igneous - 162 Cool Violet -
- Metamorphic - 162 Cool Violet -
- Sedimentary - 175 Cold Berry -

- Ancient - 130 Light Blue -
- Lustrous - 120 Stale Lilac -
- Twisted - 157 Bright Cerulean -

- Exotic - 132 Light Lilac -
- Lush - 166 Light Berry -
- Waxy - 208 Vivid Cobalt -

- Clay - 65 Silk Lavender -
- Peaty - 64 Silk Lilac -
- Silty - 210 Cerulean -

- Mud - 58 Deep Cerulean -

- Ash - 208 Vivid Cobalt -
- Gravel - 175 Cold Berry -
- Sand - 137 Stark Orange -

- Barbed - 128 Vivid Lavender -
- Gnarled - 73 Warm Magenta -
- Verdant - 210 Cerulean -

- Growth - 163 Bright Lilac -
- Ice - 228 White -
- Glacier - 228 White -
- Mould - 69 Hot Magenta -
- Sponge - 178 Cold Slate -
- Tangle - 126 Vivid Violet -
- Thorn - 57 Deep Azure -

- Cloneflower - 214 Vivid Teal -
- Gladeflower - 217 Vivid Mint -
- Ghostflower - 208 Vivid Cobalt -
- Spineflower - 91 Green -

- Desert Sword - 154 Bright Slate -
- Oortian’s Staff - 157 Bright Cerulean -
- Rosetta Nox - 127 Vivid Lilac -
- Spineback Plant - 148 Bright Viridian -
- Stardrop Plant - 152 Stark Turquoise -
- Traveller’s Perch - 126 Vivid Violet -
- Trumpet Root - 126 Vivid Violet -
- Twisted Aloba - 129 Vivid Blue -

- Branch Funnel - 65 Silk Lavender -
- Clustered Tongue - 122 Blue -
- Glow Cap - 205 Vivid Azure -
- Mottled Tar Spot - 233 Cobalt -
- Tinted-Burst - 205 Vivid Azure -
- Weeping Waxcap - 119 Warm Violet -


Resources Tab



@BabyCookie just come on to houchus!!!

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That not a good picture were ma :cookie: lol

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That planet seems pretty desolated to me :sunglasses:

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Have you seen ma :cookie: it not desolated no more Mwahaha

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A few shots from wandering Houchus for surface resources yesterday. :slight_smile: I don’t spend too much time on the surface here, so was enjoying taking in the beauty - usually mining when here, as, for pure ease and quantity of gems (sapphire here with some topaz) it is best, IMO.