Welcome to Farm School - your in-game guide to farming.
At the school you can find the following:
General Farming Guide & Tips
Layout for all crops
- Maximum Crop Yield
- Maximum Seed Yield
- Sustaining Yield
Crop Display
Deco Plant Display
Tools Display
Data for each crop and bonus blocks (special thanks to Mayumi’s Guide!)
Also a guide by @Saint-X : Link
And you will be right next to my farm if you want to see one in action.
Just a few notes: everything is functional, not overly artistic. Blocks and layouts are as simple as possible and can be reproduced consistently. There are MANY other ways to lay things out so go for it! I love to see great examples of farms. I wandered all around and I suggest you do as well…there are some amazingly creative folks out there!
So if you are interested in learning to farm…come on by, all are welcome.
Where is Farm School at? (updated July, 2021)
Farm School is located on Alder in Fireborn Nomad City (planet capital)
Alder: 998 N, 212 E, Alt 119
You can reach it conveniently from any of several portals for Farm School / Speedhunts / Underminer
Usually near a TNT Megahub Portal - Updated April 2023
Gleam Universe (Alder)
Raxxian Sanctuary (Raxxa)
EZPZ (Maryx)
Dragon’s Lair (Maryx)
Kaos Valley (Sorissi)
GerX (Sorissi)
NVR Brandywine (Trior)
Fantasy Tree (Cephonex Merica)
Evergreen Village Mall (Tana VII)
…as well as some personal portals.
Gleam Universe - secret portal in the NE on Main Floor
EZPZ (Maryx)
Kaos Valley (Sorissi)
and there are tokens available if you would like to create more! Just ping if you need a different size.
I hope everyone likes it…and feedback is always welcome.
Ayalla / Underminer / Speedhunter
P.S. And, of course, Speed Hunt tokens for 10 planets are linked there as well.
P.P.S. And don’t let me forget to thank all of the great farmers and others who contributed so much data for this to be made accurately - thanks to you all! (I will link names once I figure it out lol)
Last note: No longer needed since planets - so these are closed. There are also two portals to farm the rare gleam colors Oxide Violet and Ashen Berry set up for maximum efficiency - 2 blocks with one swing using a cheap cross or above/below AoE hammer.