Long term game funding

sorry bout that then.

(tho these forums are surprisingly “calm”, a good thing I must say.)

I have a daughter going on 16 and I have supported her game habit since around 7. The only thing she ever asks me for are companions and mounts. She spends a lot of time on initial avatar creation, but seems uninterested in outfits.

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So paying for skins to weapon, tools, armor and mounts are a solution most people agree with? :slight_smile:


as long as its not p2w i dont care either way.


I believe most will agree with this. Anyway, Ben pretty much said it is not on the radar for now. I just would like as much confidence as possible that the game will meet the funding goals to have a proper chance in this competitive market. I am sure most share this opinion. We are part of team Oort!

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I’ve thought a lot about this and we’ve also had many requests about private worlds (specifically from families who want to play in a safer and protected MMO environment).

From an older post:

We’re planning to offer 3 levels:

  1. Official Oort Online MMO: These worlds make up the MMO that everyone can play in.
  1. Private Oort Online Worlds: Player created private (and semi private) worlds. We will host these for you and run the vanilla Oort Online game logic. You craft and sculpt the world. You control access. Your world. Your rules.
  1. Independent Servers. Modders and server hosts can deploy their own instances of the Oort servers. You can mod these. Privately host them. (But they will obviously be disconnected from the main MMO.)

The Private Oort Online Worlds will come in 2 flavours:

  1. Worlds complying with the rules of the MMO: This means that the world was created respecting the standard distribution of resources throughout the world. They don’t break the economy of the game. They can be connected by portals to the main MMO. Think of them as a beacon that protects the entire world exclusively for you.

  2. Worlds beyond the rules of the MMO: This means that the world can be anything, allowing mountains made of diamond, and trees made of glass, etc. These worlds would break the economy of the game, and so can’t be connected to the main MMO.

We’ve asked the backers a few questions explicitly trying to understand how they want to play the game, answers include:

So to answer @Tahru’s original question:


[This isn’t final - because we still need to resolve the challenge of supporting both types of private worlds. Doable, just not done yet as we’re focused on the main MMO.]


Awesome! Thanks james, that was much more thought out. :smile:

Also, and most importantly, the cost of running the MMO and hence the affordability of a flat fee for the game (supplemented by private hosting and additional in-game purchase) is carefully considered.

Remember when we explained why the Oort worlds are deliberately topologically flat beyond the standard generated region? This is explicitly because the servers are configured for running the MMO not generating worlds. Running an Oort world requires very different spec servers to generating worlds. We’re extremely targeted and lean on the server hosting explicitly to control and drive down a single value: the cost of a player per month.

This cost / player / month is the value we track and defines how affordable the MMO is to run in the long term.


If you used real life money to pay for weapons, tools, armor or even out fits wouldn’t that make it more like a p2w

and also doing so would allow player so use cash to get something nice then sell it for millions which would damage the economy of Oort eventually and players could use that income to boost there character

*Vanity Tools, weapons, armor and pets then.

I thought that was pretty clear.

also most games make these items non tradeable, but seriously? outfits are p2w?

We do not intend to include any p2w purchases. We’ll share more details in the future - please make sure they’re all balanced / fair / non-p2w propositions. Help us keep the game honest.


He read my post as actual weapons and tools and not vanity items/skins

well yeah that would be p2w.

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With all the above mentioned fragmentation. If private rentals don’t cut the bill, my vote would be for a sub NOT microtraning. I would like to see the game continue to be developed and refined over time.


So I might be totally crazy here, but…what if Oort did something like the Team Fortress hats?

Phrased differently, is there room and opportunity for a marketplace of player creations?

There is, and it’s a possibility longer term :slight_smile:


I would have to say that I would prefer the Oort Dollar (in game currency, to use in game or offline). This would hold many purposes and similar to other MMOs, where you could buy boosts, mounts, gear, blocks, etc… I am sure buying stacks of materials would be an easy buck for the Devs >=)…

You could buy Merch too (shirts, game copies, specials). In game, you could use it to buy things from other players, buy from NPC merchants, used to open dungeons, buy extra player slots, etc…

This would be very Pay to win though whcih is very frowned upon

This too

And these.

hough i like this idea and it have been brought up on multiple occasion

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//sorry for reviving an old thread but while i read through this i came up with an idea that wasn’t mentioned yet.

I don’t Like the idea of micro-transactions at all, that’s a system which is acceptable for F2P games but if I have to buy a game i want the whole game without any limitations (slower lvling/mining due to the lack of boosts ect.).

Mine too.

But now to my suggestion:
One core modding feature in MInecraft was the ability to customize the texture of the game (texturepacks) and since you wont be able to mod on the core MMO worlds (at least i think so) this could be a long term founding feature.


  1. could sell pretty well (everyone i know in Minecraft has at least one texture pack installed)
  2. wont be too hard to make (If a dedicated modder can create a HD texture pack in his spare time I´m sure a team of full time game developer can mange something like that with ease)
  3. wont affect the gameplay at all (other player wont even recognize that you are using a texture pack)

The most basic idea for texture packs are the 4 seasons (maybe sold separately).
This could look somewhat like this: