Useful References

There’s quite a few posts & links that people have repeatedly used to as references. Let’s collect 'em (and maybe move some into this thread for ease of updating)!








Where to find mined resources on a world

If you’re looking for which worlds to find gems on (and a bunch of other helpful tips!), take a look at @OmniUno’s article

Resource Altitude Range Surface Distance Liquid Distance
Soft Coal Seam any 5+
Coal Seam any 20+
Hard Coal Seam any 50+
Copper Seam any 2+
Iron Seam any 5+
Silver Seam 10-40 20-70
Gold Seam 10-20 25+
Titanium Seam any 70+
Amethyst Seam 0-20 5-60 0-25
Diamond Seam 0-30 70+
Emerald Seam 0-20 2-60 10+
Topaz Seam 90+ 10+
Ruby Seam 10-15 50-70
Sapphire Seam 80-140 10-75
Small Fossil Seam any 3-40
Medium Fossil Seam any 5-50
Large Fossil Seam any 5-60
Ancient Tech Remnant Seam 20+ 3+
Ancient Tech Component Seam 40+ 5+
Ancient Tech Device Seam 75+ 5+

Advanced mode (including preferred ranges)
Resource Altitude Range Surface Distance Liquid Distance
Soft Coal Seam any (20+) 5+ (10+)
Coal Seam any (25-45) 20+ (40+)
Hard Coal Seam any (0-20) 50+ (80+)
Copper Seam any (35-140) 2+ (5-30)
Iron Seam any (20-120) 5+ (30-70)
Silver Seam 10-40 (20-30) 20-70 (30-60)
Gold Seam 10-20 (10-20) 25+ (40+)
Titanium Seam any (10-230) 70+ (90+)
Amethyst Seam 0-20 (0-15) 5-60 (10-30) 0-25 (1-15)
Diamond Seam 0-30 (0-10) 70+ (90+)
Emerald Seam 0-20 (0-15) 2-60 (5-15) 10+ (20+)
Topaz Seam 90+ (130+) 10+ (20+)
Ruby Seam 10-15 (10-15) 50-70 (50-70)
Sapphire Seam 80-140 (95-125) 10-75 (20-40)
Small Fossil Seam any 3-40 (10-30)
Medium Fossil Seam any 5-50 (20-40)
Large Fossil Seam any 5-60 (30-50)
Ancient Tech Remnant Seam 20+ (40+) 3+ (10-30)
Ancient Tech Component Seam 40+ (75+) 5+ (10-60)
Ancient Tech Device Seam 75+ (110+) 5+ (10-90)

Some notes:

  • Surface distance indicates how far below the surface the resource must be to spawn
  • Liquid distance indicates how far below water/lava the resource must be to spawn
  • Different worlds have different resources: you won’t find all these on a single world!

For example: Emeralds spawn at altitude 0-20, only if at least 2 blocks underground (and at most 60), and that ground is under a lake at least 10 blocks deep.


Base prestige values

Block Base Prestige
Advanced Workbench Power Coil 150
Advanced Refinery Power Coil 150
Advanced Mixer Power Coil 150
Advanced Extractor Power Coil 150
Advanced Compactor Power Coil 150
Advanced Centraforge Power Coil 150
Decorative Topaz 140
Decorative Sapphire 140
Decorative Ruby 140
Decorative Emerald 140
Decorative Diamond 140
Decorative Amethyst 140
Workbench Power Coil 100
Refinery Power Coil 100
Mixer Power Coil 100
Extractor Power Coil 100
Compactor Power Coil 100
Compact Topaz 100
Compact Sapphire 100
Compact Ruby 100
Compact Emerald 100
Compact Diamond 100
Compact Amethyst 100
Centraforge Power Coil 100
Spark Generator 80
Machined Titanium Alloy 80
Refined Titanium Alloy 70
Machined Silver Alloy 70
Machined Gold Alloy 70
Refined Silver Alloy 60
Refined Gold Alloy 60
Machined Iron 60
Compact Titanium Alloy 60
Titanium Furnace Crucible 50
Titanium Furnace Base 50
Refinery 50
Refined Iron 50
Mixer 50
Machined Copper 50
Extractor 50
Compactor 50
Compact Silver Alloy 50
Compact Gold Alloy 50
Centraforge 50
Refined Copper 40
Gleam Lantern 40
Compact Iron 40
Compact Hard Coal 36
Workbench 30
Portal Conduit 30
Compact Copper 30
Iron Furnace Crucible 25
Iron Furnace Base 25
Compact Coal 24
Lantern 15
Trampoline 12
Slide 12
Ornate Gleam Trapdoor 12
Ornate Gleam Door 12
Decorative Twisted Wood 12
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 2 12
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 1 12
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 2 12
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 1 12
Decorative Lustrous Wood 12
Decorative Igneous Rock 2 12
Decorative Igneous Rock 1 12
Decorative Ancient Wood 12
Dark Glass 12
Compact Soft Coal 12
Topaz Torch 10
Sedimentary Brick 10
Sapphire Torch 10
Ruby Torch 10
Refined Gleam 10
Ornate Metal Trapdoor 10
Ornate Metal Door 10
Metamorphic Brick 10
Igneous Brick 10
Emerald Torch 10
Diamond Torch 10
Amethyst Torch 10
Shop Stand 8
Request Basket 8
Ornate Stone Trapdoor 8
Ornate Stone Door 8
Stylish Gleam Trapdoor 7
Stylish Gleam Door 7
Warp Conduit 6
Stylish Metal Trapdoor 6
Stylish Metal Door 6
Refined Twisted Wood 6
Refined Sedimentary Rock 6
Refined Metamorphic Rock 6
Refined Lustrous Wood 6
Refined Igneous Rock 6
Refined Ancient Wood 6
Ornate Wood Trapdoor 6
Ornate Wood Door 6
Gleam 6
Glass 6
Compact Silt 6
Compact Peat 6
Compact Clay 6
Torch 5
Table 5
Stylish Stone Trapdoor 5
Stylish Stone Door 5
Storage Shelf 5
Storage Block 5
Stone Furnace Crucible 5
Stone Furnace Base 5
Spooky Skull Lantern 5
Spooky Pumpkin Lantern 5
Spark Link 5
Sign Module 5
Sign 5
Plinth 5
Plain Gleam Trapdoor 5
Plain Gleam Door 5
Lock 5
Crafting Table 5
Chair 5
Weeping Waxcap Fungus 4
Twisted Aloba 4
Trumpet Root 4
Traveller’s Perch 4
Tinted-Burst Fungus 4
Tapered Boulder 4
Stylish Wood Trapdoor 4
Stylish Wood Door 4
Stardrop Plant 4
Spineflower 4
Spineback Plant 4
Rosetta Nox 4
Plain Metal Trapdoor 4
Plain Metal Door 4
Oortian’s Staff 4
Mottled Tar Spot Fungus 4
Glow Cap Fungus 4
Gladeflower 4
Ghostflower 4
Desert Sword 4
Clustered Tongue Fungus 4
Cloneflower 4
Branch Funnel Fungus 4
Boulder Tower 4
Boulder Ring 4
Boulder Chip 4
Beanstalk Boulder 4
Basic Boulder 4
Plain Stone Trapdoor 3
Plain Stone Door 3
Twisted Wood Timber 2
Sedimentary Stones 2
Plain Wood Trapdoor 2
Plain Wood Door 2
Metamorphic Stones 2
Lustrous Wood Timber 2
Igneous Stones 2
Basic Torch 2
Ancient Wood Timber 2

How prestige works

Beacon prestige is calculated by adding together the base prestige value of all blocks within the beacon, and then applying a multiplier based on several factors:

  • block variety (different types of blocks)
  • exotic colors (colors from other worlds)
  • chiseled blocks
  • built vs unbuilt space (e.g. to discourage builds that are just a bunch of plots full of high prestige blocks)

I believe these are generally all calculated against the distribution of blocks in the beacon—so, in order to have a high multiplier, you need to maintain a decent balance of all of the above aspects.

Some specific numbers that we have today (from my understanding of the game files; my interpretation could be wrong here):

Variety: I’m not sure exactly how this one is calculated.

Exotic Colors: The multiplier for otherwordly colors caps out at 1.3x, if you have 30% or more of the blocks in your beacon w/ colors from other worlds.

Chiseling: The multiplier for chiseled blocks caps out at 1.2x, if you have 25% or more of the blocks in your beacon chiseled.

Built Space: The multiplier for built vs empty space caps out at 1.5x, if your beacon is 10% or less built (the rest being air)

The max multiplier (after combining them all) for a beacon is 2.5x.


All done now :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you very much I have searching for a post like this one


Also useful along these lines:

Most of the pages in my Resources menu are aimed at providing players with knowledge-base style information.


Why not stick these on the (official) wiki? It seems to me folks unfamiliar with the nascent player culture of Boundless may be more likely to look for references in a wiki than searching for a random post on a forum.

I mean, it’s classic wiki material.


@nevir it seems like you’re on a mission to be the most bookmarked player in my bookmarks list :stuck_out_tongue:


Very nice, I would add a general tip thst doesn’t seem to be common knowledge that you can hunt roadrunners by grappling them with one hand and shooting them with the other.

If more people knew how to hunt them, then maybe the complaints about adrenal glands wouldn’t be so bad.


Hopefully all you need is the one bookmark now :slight_smile:


Bookmarked! Thanks nevir, you doing the lords work!

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:+1:t2: This is great, thanks nevir.

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Where can I find a list of defects and quirks for forging?

AFAIK there isn’t one. We could start a thread to put together a list. Defects should be easier to map than quirks since defects are bound to traits, just like boons. I’ve considered putting a list together myself but I just don’t have the resources to intentionally ruin that much equipment on my own :smile:

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The defects are, as you say, the literal opposites to the boons, but my thread for boons is a bit outdated tbf

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Do you know if defects for things like world regen and heal were simply omitted entirely?

I guess so, i can’t think of a way to make that a defect, other than damaging players, which definitely isn’t a thing!, and the opposite to regen is destruction, which is just default bombs :man_shrugging: so I guess some boons don’t have defect counterparts

Everybody who aims for the “overengineered” achievement should have a few quirks to add to the list; I’ll start a new thread for them when i get home if nobody beats me to it

I got this quirk list from @Stretchious

Forge Quirk Only Night Time
Forge Quirk Only Day Time
Forge Quirk Only High Health
Forge Quirk Only Low Health
Forge Quirk Only High Hunger
Forge Quirk Only Low Hunger
Forge Quirk Slippery Feet
Forge Quirk Bouncy Feet
Forge Quirk Sink In Water
Forge Quirk Slows You Down
Forge Quirk Jump Randomly
Forge Item Quirk Fire Randomly
Forge Quirk Creature Aggro Range Increased
Forge Quirk Drains Hunger
Forge Quirk Drains Health
Forge Item Quirk Makes Odd Sound

All of these can be applied to - SLINGBOW, TOOL, BOMBS, GRAPPLE, SPANNER, CHISEL, FIST